dah lama aku tak ngupdate kan.. ada ke yang perasan aku tak wujud kat dashboard korang tu? Kalau perasan tu, tu barulah kawan aku tu hehe XD
Banyak benda sebenarnya nak cerita, tapi line connection kmpp tak kamcing ah ngan dak lappy aku.. line connection streamyx rumah je handsome.. so i can't even update everyday :( but it's okay. it doesn't matter for me >,<
Actually minggu depan satu lagi aku ada Ujian Pertengahan Semester 2. wow? Sounds happy butttttt, sooooo scary deep inside my heart. Aku entah lah. kalau not prepared well, so this is me, not a happy girl. i would bury my brain into the sand if I desperately take those papers without a perfect revision.
Aku sekarang ni? (bajet cam in case ada orang tanya kan muehehe)
sihat weh. Alhamdulillah. allowance aku cukup je dalam 250 hoho. MUET haritu pun alhamdulillah lulus dapat graduate je nanti. talking about muet, kmpp ada 2 orang band 6. Aiyoo. Siapa yang omputih celup tu? Of course Indian :) /adakah aku perlu berguru dengan mereka?/
Dan sekarang kena fikir what course to take in furthering my studies. well maybe on pendidikan in chemistry course. Everyone do pray for me because I wanna be a chemistry lecturer one fine day, inshaAllah :)
So i must keep my work hard but smooth in motion. Aminn..
I just wanna say, lets meet again within 2 weeks. tata uolls xo