How are you doing? 😍 Waaah dah setengah tahun aku tinggalkan blog ni tak ber update. Berapa kali dah sebenarnya aku attempt nak post tapi gagal juga sbb consider banyak benda yg lebih penting. Nak cerita semua benda pun banyak sangat ni, karang engkorang semua skip post aku terus tengok tengok gambar je kan haha mana lah tauuuu
Firstly nak cakap, Alhamdulillah I have finally finished MY YEAR FOUR JOURNEY 😉😺 I am happy and so grateful but first thing first, aku nak ucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada semua yg kerap mendoakan diri ini. Tanpa awak awak sekalian, siapalah seorang Siti Hajar ini...
Tbh, Tahun 4 ni sangat sangat mencabar. 😨 Kami telah melalui sistem blok yang mana peperiksaan akan dijalankan serentak bagi 2 @ 3 postings sekali gus. This is the list of the postings in 2016/2017. There are 11 postings in total:
💛 Family Medicine - 6 weeks
💛 Dermatology - 2 weeks
💛 Forensic Medicine - 2 weeks
💛 Anaesthesiology - 2 weeks
💛 Community Medicine - 4 weeks
💛 Ophthalmology - 2 weeks
💛 Otorhinolarnygology - 2 weeks
💛 Surgery - 4 weeks
💛 Psychiatry - 8 weeks
💛 Internal Medicine - 4 weeks
💛 Emergency Medicine - 4 weeks
Aku dah cerita pasal posting Fam Med sampai posting Ophthal kan sebelum ni. So kita start dengan posting Otorhinolaryngology ataupun nama glemer dia Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT). Haaaa time ni aku jadi leader untuk 3 postings; Ophthal, ENT, Surgery selama 8 minggu. Pasal posting ENT ni, semua best. Walaupun 3 orang je lecturers kami tapi best sangat lahai sebab tak stress pun. Boleh bayang tak nak kena cover Ear, Nose & Throat punya diseases dalam masa 2 minggu? 😓😰Susah lahaaai tapi semuanya berjalan lancar sbb lecturers sangat sempoi, cool, relax, chill. Rasa happy dapat belajar dengan prof & dr sekalian 💖 Waktu dah habis posting ni serious terlintas nak jadi ENT specialist haaaa sampai gittuw dia punya inspired k 💃
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With Dr Kamaruzaman -- our posting coordinator 💟 |
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After exam finished. Left; Dr Kamaruzaman, Prof Sayuti, Dr Salman. 💚 |
Ok dah habis cerita pasal ENT. Next we go to Surgery posting. 😉😆 So sad tak sempat bergambar dengan lecturers. Mostly lecturers are from HSNZ surgeon. Sebenarnya, this posting is one of the best postings i have entered. Quite easy because we go for the diseases by the anatomy itself. But yaa for that to be successful, we have to be very determined and careful so that diagnosis is achieved and management plan can be carried well later on. Actually I also consider to be a surgeon but the fact that i need to stand for a long duration in the OT really make weak aaahh haha I mean, I takut tak dapat bertahan berdiri lama dohhh. But I really like this one time, me and my friends went to the OT and observed about 5 operations a day. Learnt so many things that day and still hope will remember it for a long time
Ok finished tentang posting. Pada tarikh 26th May, Medisza telah mengadakan dinner. Bagi aku dinner ni the best so far. Sebab maybe dah Year 4? So buat macam dewan tu kami punya haha. Plus, aku jadi AJK persediaan tempat so lain macam energetic dia okayyy.
Batchmates -- 5th Batch of UniSZA MBBS 😊 |
With Girls Batchmate -- Muslimat Medic Awesome 💜💝 |
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Survived Year 4 thanks to this awesome mates!! 💋 |
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Birthday celeb on Day 1 Psy. 💦 |
Menyempat lagi pergi mandi sungai Hahahahaha with postingmates ✌✌❤👀 |
Ok then next we go to THE MOST HAPPENING Posting ever which is; (drumroll pls 😎🙌🙋)
💃👩💢💋 PSYCHIATRY Posting.
Posting ni belajar tentang pesakit mental & jiwa kacau gituuw
Mesti korang pelik kan kenapa aku kata best? Yelah, sebelum masuk posting ni pun pandangan aku terhadap posting ni sangat lain. Sangat tak bersedia dan takut takut. Well, how can you really deal with them unstable mind pts right? Nahhhh, lepas masuk jea posting ni, feeling HAPPY sangat wei hari hari. Everyday terhibur dengan gelagat pts. Ada yang menyanyi lah, ajak balik rumah lah, pujuk mintak discharge awal lah, mengorat pun ada 😂🙊😮 (Seriously mind dorang sangat unstable so aku tak hairan pun kah3) Posting ni sangat unik dan menarik dalam aspek pembelajaran. In order to diagnose a person having a mental disorder, they need to fulfill some criterias needed. They have standardized it by using this DSM 5 worldwide. So sewaktu nak bersoal jawab dengan pts, walaupun takut takut dalam hati sebab dorang mungkin akan jadi aggresive, agitated, tapi dengan ramai member yang ada dekat sebelah, pasti aku jadi berani hahah. Kadang kadang kena pandai melayan jugak dorang ni. Janganlah dorang cakap mengarut, kita pun terikut mengarut sekali huhuhu.
Ok yang tu tentang pesakit, kalau cerita pasal lecturers pasti pujian sahaja yang keluar dari taipan tangan aku ni haha. 😍😘 Yaa, kami ada 5 lecturers yang sangat bagus mengajar, baik sangat dan berpengalaman. Sebenarnya dari posting ni lah aku banyak belajar sedikit sebanyak tentang memahami perasaan manusia dari tunjuk ajar para psychiatrist tersebut. Thanks dr.
After finished Theory paper; with Prof Wee 😺😻 |
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With Dr Rahimah yang baik hati belanja kami makan cakes tqsm Dr 💘 |
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@ PKM Wakaf Tapai. Ni tempat pesakit mental yang sedang dalam treatment process. Mereka akan dilatih membuat kerja kerja. |
Next we go to the 2nd last posting which is Internal Medicine. Alaaa takde gambar jugak dalam posting ni, tak sempat bergambar dengan para lecturers. Tapi over all my feedback is best jugak sebab lecturers semua baik baik genius genius hebat hebat 🙈🙉 Sungguh inspired tapi kena consider a lot to be a physician because its quite tough
With my fav fav girlsss after finished Long Case Internal Medicine. Got case of CKD & Lung Ca with Horner Syndrome 👼👻💅 |
Ok LAST but not least, jeng jeng jenggg; Posting Yang Paling Digeruni Dari Awal Tahun Lagi
Emergency Medicine 😌😈😹
One thing I love about this posting is, the lecturers always encourages us to see pts more and more and more, as much as we can. Because from lots of clinical exposure then only we can remember and learnt from the cases. Almost every time bila lecturers masuk kelas, bila kami buat silap, dr pasti akan start their motivational words. The constant pep talk almost every days actually make us gradually understood the importance of being a safe dr in the future. You don't want someone who collapsed somewhere to be not treated fairly rite? In that case we need to learn to become capable of treating and managing pts fast, quick and well. 😇😇![]() |
With Prof Nasir baik hati belanja kami iftar nasi beriyani lauk kambing + ayam berempah 😆 5 star occay! |
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With our posting coordinator -- Prof Nik Arif ; subspecialized in disaster management (So Inspired With His Mission In Many Places Already! 😎) |
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Celebrating Dr Nik and Bazli's birthday 💕💥 |
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After Defibrillation Skill Lab with Dr Lotfi -- Head of Emergency Department of HSNZ ( Pssst, hes so cool, funny, best!) 💃 |
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Smiling faces after finished Theory paper!!! Yaaay |
Ok I think that's all for now. Next post coming soon, stay tune occay! 😃😃💨
xoxo Hajar Kuwby
11:36pm. Wakaf Bharu, K'tan.
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