Today I would like to take you guys to appreciate the beauty of a place called buckwheat farm.
To those who had already watched Goblin Korean Drama probably you can feel the vibes. But as for me I haven't watched it until today when I'm typing this entry 😉😆
Since today is our last day, this morning we woke up quite late probably due to tiredness from yesterday's. After subuh we still liat nak bangun bersiap. As usual, Ummi being real Ummi there, waiting for us to wake up so we won't miss our next destination. The conversation went like :
U: Korang nak pergi tak Buckwheat Farm ni? *tengok kami dengan wajah penuh harapan
We: Emmm (sambil baring tutup mata tak larat)
U: *give many attempts to pujuk we all*
We: Okay okay *bangun duduk, slowly take our actions, packing everything and mandi*
Semalam janji pukul 7 dah bersiap 😅😛 Tapi Alhamdulillah at least tak terbabas wuuu thank God!
After we finished packing all barang, (make sure to pack betul2 mengikut piawaian airport cargo/cabin rules) kami try masukkan kesemua luggage ke dalam kereta sewa comel tu. Size dia macam myvi Malaysia so at first it's quite impossible to think that It will fit though but then the myvi-like car proved us wrong! Alhamdulillah all went smooth along the way
The only destination for today :
This place is actually located a bit higher than our stay place. It took us a while to arrive here from our homestay. Upon arriving, I was taken aback with the pretty stunning farm. It totally provided freshness and lingered calmness.
Let the pictures do the talking :)
Yeee nak cerita- belum apa-apa lagi aku dah tergelincir kat tanah time sampai tadi sebab banyak batu and jalan dia menurun ye 🤨😪 dapat souvenir free seluar terkoyak kat lutut~
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Uploading this picture sebab suka cantikkk namun sis letak sticker sebab sis penyegan orangnya 😅💩 |
We spent our time here for almost 1 hour as we enjoyed taking hundreds of photos. This place should be in your itinerary if you wish to visit Jeju and believe me, it will stay in memories for a lifetime 😉
Time passes, things change,
but memories will always stay,
where they are, in the heart
- surbhi jain
Ailin beli air apa tah dah lupa, yang jual kat shop situ. Sedap <3
Then we mencari gas station to fill up our car fuel tank. In the picture below it says we need to bayar 24000 kwon, not sure berapa banyak minyak sebelum tu
After returning the car, we took shuttle bus to airport again. The bus bonnet actually penuh with ours je, non by others 🤣
The distance between pusat kereta sewa and airport is not too far, it was about 10 minutes ride je.
There off we go~
Alhamdulillah eventhough during baggage check ada quite few problems, we made it. Yihhh
After dah masuk gate baru lega. Kat situ ada shops jual-jualan lagi. Haaa simpan duit tu elok-elok ye 😜
Flight dalam 2 petang, masuk flight terus lapar tak kelakar jugak memula. tergoda dengan makanan in-flight so terpaksa lah beli kalau tak boleh mengamuk jugak kan sepanjang 7 jam flight journey 😁 We reached Malaysia around 9PM Malaysia time. Alhamdulillah it was the smooth-est flight and landing ever in my life. My other friends the other day experienced turbulence for almost 1 hour jugak tau, luckily nothing serious.
Sampai Malaysia terus culture shock dengan perubahan suhu *boleh kena rejam tak cakap camni*
Dan kami returned our portable wifi a.k.a wiyo a.k.a telur sebab bentuk dia macam telur 😌
Thanks wiyo. Fast, smooth and steady connection! Recommended as one of your travel companions. |
Finally then me and Ihah saying farewell to Ainaa and Ailin. Love you loads and thanks for everything babies 💓💋
Next, me melangsaikan kepingin tomyum thereafter because that's my most fav food in the world 💋 while Ihah chose Texas Chicken. Sedap jugak rupanya Texas Chicken. I love the muffin! Lepastu tidur dekat surau KLIA2 sebelum kami bangun pukul 4:30 AM nak ready for the next flight at ~5:30AM. Alhamdulillah it was a smooth flight too. 💛
End of my S O U T H K O R E A journey. No more SK after this without my family perhaps?
Thank you for reading dearies 💛💝
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