This entry is upgraded; picture version of this
I just realized that I never put pictures at all in that entry. So here we go:
A compilation of pictures found during my study week moments :>
Place where I studied for the whole 5 years journey |
Earlier during study week, my besfriend who is also instafamous eherher from Negeri Sembilan came visited and me also longing for her doh. Its about 2 years plus we didnt see each other face to face so in that short duration we spent time together- masak, pergi pasar 😚😀, an Island visit 😉, Tasik Pepsi Blue for photoshoot session, went to few restaurants in KT that I recommended such as Nasi Dagang Atas Tol, Restoran KakYah Kuala Ibai etc
Nasi minyak beli dekat kedai sarapan pagi sebelah Shell Kuala Ibai. Makan dengan lauk yang dimasak malam tadi sebelum berpicnic di Cotton Island ✌❤ |

Some of pictures I got from my instastory, twitter and some in my personal simpanan ...
Actually most of my pictures gone A DAY before Professional II Exam starts ...!
Scroll down below to know the cause of it 😓😕

Our short escape to Permaisuri, Besut; sebab dah muak study setiap hari seminggu. Visited azieni's house, had BBQ that night, had durian feast also *thanksss, went to Pasar Pagi Permaisuri, on the way balik rumah singgah makan Cendol Durian & bought keropok lekor Bayu. It's a durian festive around this time so we also bought a bundle of durian dekat area Pantai Buruk sebab kemaruk much. Honestly tak ingat berapa tapi uoll need to nego habis teruk. Murah kot dapat! Abang tu parangkan sesiap so balik rumah tinggal makan je. Semerbak bau durian kat rumah A4-1 tu HAHA

Sebulan lebih study bermacam-macam gaya dan teknik, initially study group di rumah setiap hari, bilik azie fatin aku ailin. Lepastu bila dah bosan dan tak masuk otak langsung, kengkonon nak carik udara baru, kitorang gi McD, bilik discussion library, bilik rehat perempuan di kampus.
Study kat McD tbh masuk weh dalam kepalotak. Eventho mula-mula rasa cam mustail tapi tak sangka menjadi. Otak aku lebih 'bergerak' lah. It depends on masing-masing punya cara berbeza kan. U try find yours

Masih segar di ingatan ketika dah masuk surgical based revision session- during orthopaedic time, ya aulo punya lah susah nak ingat balik each of the musculoskeletal anatomy part. Kena revise dari A to Z semula. What is the anatomy part of shoulder, your arm, forearm, hand. What are the muscles, nerve innervation, blood supply and bone within the specific area. Tbh orthopaedic really needs good skills of memorizing. Go with your own method- create mneumonic or whatsoever that could help you in memorizing.
The MOST IMPORTANT part in orthopaedic- as in masuk dalam EXAM (Osce, Short Case, Long Case, Theory)- for me- the innervation part. It is quite tricky. You need to study together with your friends. Let Appley Textbook be your bestfriend.

Friends that study together, eat together, stay together inshaAllah 👭👭👯👯 @ Kedai Nasi Ayam Hainan favourite |
Alcohol-Related Problems seminar during study week. L: ainaa pratish dr rose prof zaw aung prof nik arif sherman and 💁 |
Waktu ni dah last 10 days before pro exam. Tengah study skill lab for Ear Nose & Throat punya posting, then suddenly Dr Azizul bagi chocolate cadburry ni ya dah lah favourite tq Dr |
Lama pulak tak maggie macam ni aduu
Big Apple Doughnout pemberian beloved juniorrr tq
Study di A&W. |
Next pergi open house Prof Rohayah. Sedap semua Prof masak 💕💞

So just a day before pro II starts, my laptop suddenly decided to take its own life. I mean, the harddisk went damaged. I lost all my important notes, pictures etc
But Alhamdulillah lah dia mati sebaik I dah habis study almost 80%? Dugaan jugak lah menggelabah betul waktu nak study untuk malam exam semua terpaksa lah guna phone comel i tu 😆😇
So i think that's all for my Part 2. There are 3 entries coming soon other than Korea's. Stay tune peeps 😻😺
Thanks for reading !
So i think that's all for my Part 2. There are 3 entries coming soon other than Korea's. Stay tune peeps 😻😺
Thanks for reading !
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