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Dr kurnia and Us :) |
Alhamdulillah. Semalam kitorang dah habis exam block Family Medicine and Dermatology. It consists of:
Family Medicine
- 30 OBA questions
- Feeling? semua soalan sangat confuse, jawapan semua betul tapi memerlukan higher brain function to answer that crazy ques XD
- 5 PBQ questions about DM, Hyperthyroidism, Ethics Principle, Geriatric assessment etc.
- Not bad. Tak terlalu susah laa kot
- 20 MTF questions
- Wow! Sungguh terasa debaran nya di situ. setiap kali jawab soalan objektif, nafas aku mesti turun naik turun naik. Rasa nak marah kat diri sebab tak pay attention about that certain diseases
- 5 OSCE questions about Scabies, Pitting of the nail, Neisseria Gonorrhoea, Erythema nodosum, Steven Johnson Syndrome.
- This time I am so clueless. Hopefully dr will pass us. Amiiin <3
2 days back, aku study from 8 pm till 3 am on Dermatology sahaja. Itu pun masih tertinggal nota-nota penting tak dibaca untuk jawab MTF. Walau macam mana pun, good job dear self. You have done your best, just pray for good result okay.
What I Love About Dermatology? :)
Sepanjang posting 2 minggu di Klinik Kulit Hsnz, setiap pagi memang wajib pergi klinik sbb kena observe procedure, see lesions and can clerk patient also. Disease/skin lesions memang varies every day, from Eczema (bedang), molluscum contangiosum (kudis nasi), Urticaria (bedang also), Scabies (kudis buta), Herpes Zoster (kayap), acne vulgaris (jerawat), kurap (tinea corporis), ruam-ruam badan (Rashes) dan bermacam macam lagi lah.
Besides, kitorang attached to medical officer so kena tahu management of patient, education etc. Alhamdulillah for this very opportunity, but seems I'm not sure yet whether Dermatology is the right place for me in future, nay?
I love 2 visiting lecturers from USM, who taught us lectures, CBD and Seminars. Thank you so much Prof Mokhtar & Dr Wan Hasbee. Love the way you both taught us. Very clinicaly approach. Dermato Made Easy. :)
I think these are my favourite things during this posting.
So, whats next?
Welcome to Forensic Medicine, B!
Tbh, I am so nervous for this posting. I have so much expectation for myself in this Forensic Thingy emmm InshaAllah pray for me okay dearies? May Allah ease our life always amiiin :>
Figure 1 & 2: Timetable
P/S: Maybe I can watch Sherlock Holme's , CSI to motivate myself?
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