The girl.

Friday, January 31, 2014

---> Officially done 1 sem

-I dream. All people dream. Then what kind of dream will I encounter is depends on myself-

Alhamdulillah. Tak sangka akhirnya aku berjaya habiskan 1 sem yang “best” ni. By the way satu sem aku just 5 months only but it really is a tough moment ive been through.

Sebenarnya study week haritu macam migraine plus stress rasa-rasa macam nak demam. Kalau nak ikutkan hati aku memang buku pun aku tak pandang. Bukan aku je mengalami masalah yang sama, member-member batchmates yang lain pun sama. Teringat buat geng study group pagi petang siang malam, sangat effective buat gini tell you. 

And alhamdulillah pada tarikh 26-28 Januari kitorang #5thbatchMedisza berjaya mengharungi hari-hari exam yang pahit getir. Let me explain how the exam went, what papers and what others bittersweet  moments. 
  • 26hb = Short essay question(seq) + Problem-based question(pbq)  --  Seq ada 10 questions, 10 marks for each question while pbq got 2 questions and 30 marks for each. Teringat aku kantoi kat soalan seq first lagi but then it taught me to b very careful after this :')
  • 27hb = kertas OSPE  --  yang ni merupakan exam secara stations, they got 30 stations there and we have to bergilir-gilir for 5 minutes to fill up the questions! 30 stations = 20 questions stations + 10 rest stations. I think this exam is really fast and furious? haha tapi best :')
  • 28hb = Multiple choice question(mcq)  --  Got 2 papers, 60 questions each, but then 5 questions a,b,c,d,e for each question, meaning that for only 1 paper we have 1x5x60=300 questions. That makes up 600 questions if combine together both papers. Kau boleh bayangkan TAKKK? -___-' Member-member aku semua complain tinggalkan 10 soalan lah apelah haha. Aku pulak tinggalkan je mana yang taktau which means more than 10 q haha. Kalau bulat jugak nanti salah rugi ah kena minus 0.5marks. 
So on 30hb, they released the official result. Alhamdulillah all of us passed the first final exam sem, & break the record for no remedials! (takde yang straight failed). & for OSPE paper, we got the best percentage score graded among the other batches. OSPE itu hari gila susah wa cakap lu. Dalam 20 stations, guwa boleh kantoi 4-5 stations hahaha. 


Have to get ready for the coming modul when the holiday is end that is "Nervous System" modul. The credit hour is 6 which is I was likeeeee, please be nice to mama~~ Cannot wait cannot wait. and guys, remember I've once told ya that we have some kind of seminar? Yep, this opening modul is my turn, my group. Pray for the ease by Allah. Hopefully we can rock this seminar hehe ;)

OXYMETHAZOLINE house for Medizsa Family Day!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Exam Fever, High graded fever response and bla bla bla T_T

Assalamualaikum! lame tak post! Busy like crazy walawey i miss typing here :*

Haritu dah dapat result for End of modul 2 hehe don't ever ask because I might get irritated ngee. Sekarang baru aku paham ngape senior medic and including my sistah larang masuk medical school or bukan nak kata larang pun, maybe warning siap-siap lah kan. because, memang TRUE sangat diorang kate susah!! & sangat true apabila dulu time SPM dapat A, time matrik 4flat tapi masuk sini, failed --- normal thing. But like Dr said, you are the one who chooses to be here.

By the way, it is not susah lah. Medic stuffs banyak giler kena hafal, every inch of phrases is important. Tapi nak hidup satu je rule, don't fall back and do not fall in love. And tak boleh memilih subject to revise. Means kau biased terhadap Anatomy, aaaa cannot go. Aku pun kekadang ter bias terhadap Pharmacology sebab it takes my whole day to menghafal diorang -_-

Bagi aku, budak degree lain dah holiday and habis exam final tak menjadi masalah pun, tak pressure sangat dengan ketidak adaan diorang. Diorang cuti lama than kitorang? no hal. Bak kata Asiah my bestie, kau tak kisah pun cuti kejap kan haha trueee

Eom3 on this Thursday// Emm it is haematology season, thaught by Dr Uday and etc. Kena appreciate each slides in his beautiful notes urrrrr

Eos1 pulak 26th Jan :') Doakan aku pass insyaAllah aminnnnnnn.

Moreover, Medisza ada rumah sukan sendiri. Instead of no such involvements thingy like kawad yang budak Gong Badak semua ada tu, kitorang hanya mampu buat rumah sukan jerr -_- Ada 4 rumah; Meta, Hexa, Baclo and Oxy. Sorry nama penuh tak ingat tapi basically it is drugs' names. Diorang cakap Oxy dah menang 2 kali andddd that's my house hehehe luckily because usually aku selalu dapat rumah yang tak menang pun :3 So nanti awal Sem 2 nak buat Family day Medisza. Aduyai aku dah ah reti main badminton and batu semban jer. hah

So basically, my life is full of laziness, tiredness, reading, watching movies, talking, eating and banyak sangat bende tak berpekdah senanye.

Bangkok Day Tour [Day 3]

Let the pictures do the talking :)