The girl.

Monday, December 31, 2018

Best of 2018














Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Medschool {Part 3} : It's D-Day! Good luck to me & all for Professional II Examination

 Assalamualaikum semua. *Warning it is a long post btw* Harini aku nak ceritakan tentang suasana/pengalaman menduduki Peperiksaan Professional 2 yang jatuh pada tarikh 6 Ogos - 15 Ogos 2018 itu hari. Peperiksaan berlansung selama 2 minggu. Iainya terbahagi kepada 2 komponen which is minggu teori dan minggu clinical part.

Few days sebelum exam dijalankan, akan ada 2 session tentang bagaimana menjawab soalan teori. So dont worry guys they will provide you bengkel menjawab soalan alaa macam zaman spm dulu kan. Ouh ya time study week juga korang boleh minta kelas tambahan dari setiap lecturers. Boleh tanya lecturers masing-masing.

Hari sebelum exam kitorang buat solat hajat berjemaah di surau dan saling minta maaf antara satu sama lain (Okay ni pun aku nak cerita ye 😇🙆)

And also our lectures; the doctors and profs wished us "all the best" "good luck" and so on. Here are the words from each of 'em 💖😉👇 (These are meant to be kept in here so so much 💖💖)


And the exam weeks started! X







And it never stopped. Until it had passed.

Week 1: Theory Part Exam

PBQ 1: Medical based (2 hours)  - DAY 1

- Macam biasa sebelum masuk melangkah ke dewan peperiksaan, baca doa dan langkah dengan kaki kanan. Mohon doa dan solat hajat dari keluarga dan rakan. Sila bawa air minuman atau gula-gula masing-masing bagi membantu untuk mem'fresh'kan minda ketika menjawab soalan.

- Soalan PBQ quite different from soalan EOP. Terutamanya IM (sebab yang ni paling ingat). Soalan dia not direct at all. Sangat complicated. Soalannya ibarat diambil dari case sebenar dari ward. Gittew. Eventhough kitorang dapat soalan DKA, Asthma etc (tak berapa ingat) yang merupakan sangat common, tapi percayalah ianya complicated. For me lah yang average student 👀👋 Bukan nak takutkan ke apa cuma yes memang nak takutkan pembaca/junior supaya lebih ready & membaca bukan setakat hafal and ingat, also nak help you FAHAM betul-betul every inches of those common topics. Jangan pandang rendah kepada Asthma case pun sebagai contoh.

PBQ 2: Surgical based (2 hours) - DAY 2

- Serupa jugak seperti hari sebelumnya. In addition, waktu exam kitorang, dapat soalan Ophthalmology as Theory Part in PBQ meanwhile Otorhinolaryngology as Osce question. For next session should be vice versa. And yes Community Medicine also ada dalam PBQ woohoo


MTF: 90 QUESTIONS in 3 hours - DAY 3

- My thoughts sebelum masuk bilik peperiksaan, "aduhai 3 jam kot macam mana nak bertahan lama sangat nih." So memang aku angkutlah segala gula-gula, Kitkat (sebab nak have a break?! lol), air minuman to keep me awake. And Please, Please, Please have enough sleep the night before sebab to be honest korang memang perlukan otak yang segar bugar untuk jawab MTF. Same thing applied to other exam parts as well tapi nak highlight yang this one is 3 hours duration punya wuhuhu

Pemaluuu ihik. Lepas habis MTF ni

OBA: 60 QUESTIONS in 3 hours - DAY 4

- Same duration with MTF part, and I bet this also toughest because its OBA; means One Best Answer which also means that every answers are correct, however they need you to choose the most accurate one. Be prepared mentally ok?
- Everything can come out even from cpg also boleh. Please finish cpg before pro. ☝

Finish on Theory Exam.
These are our student guidebook during Pro 2 Exam. 👇

Kitorang dapat break 2 hari waktu weekends. Fuuuh lega dapat break walaupun sekejap. Cumanya, walaupun lega, tapi secara jujurnya lah aku cakapkan, 2 hari ini merupakan antara hari yang paling cuak dalam hidup aku.

Sebabnya? Next week exam clinical uwu. Rasanya tak sama dengan perasaan yang pernah ada. Berdebar lain macam. Ramai jugak yang share di fb, twitter cakap "nervous untuk clinical"

Aku jangan cakaplah, still tak habis revise dan memang tak pernah habis sampai sekarang pun 😁 cumanya aku strengthen balik baca CPG on ACS, DM sahaja seingat aku. Tak berasa nak muntah lagi time ni

So akhirnya clinical week dah pun tiba! X

Week 2: Clinical Exam Week

- OSCE ni akan dibahagikan kepada 2 groups which is AM and PM group. Aku dapat PM group sebab nama aku bawah dalam list. So PM group kena datang pada waktu yang ditetapkan dalam jadual. Sebaik sahaja AM group dah habis, mereka akan dikuarantinkan.

- Soalan dah takde ikut medical/surgical based dah. Main campur je tak macam waktu PBQ itu hari. Haa merasalah kejap otak  cramped uhuhu. In addition, almost all station merupakan soalan bentuk consultation. So banyak-banyak berlatih consult patient ok mulai dari awal.

- Aku study OSCE ni guna study group. Sangat berkesan. Setiap orang carikan nota yang most probably question akan masuk exam then share dalam group. Sangat berkesan dan cepat.

OSCE 2 - DAY 6
- Sama seperti hari sebelumnya.

- So OSCE kitorang masuk Consult Pt on HRT (O&G), Asthma (FamMed), Froment's Test (Ortho), Consult on Pacemaker Use (IM), Consult on Leukemia Diagnosis (Paed), CT Result & Preparation on HCC pt (Radiology), Disaster (Emergency Med), How to Deal With Pt yang tak sabar di clinic/kecemasan (Ethic) etc etc

- Sebaik sahaja selesai OSCE, maka tibalah waktu undi mengundi giliran untuk peperiksaan pada hari seterusnya. Semua orang berkumpul di dewan teater untuk mencabut undi bagi menentukan samada mereka akan mendapat Long case ataupun Short case bagi peperiksaan Medical based beserta nombor giliran.

- Aku dapat M12 (gigih tau check pencilbox nak tengok balik no ni huhu) : Maksudnya aku akan dapat Long Case Medical Based and Short Case Surgical Based. No giliran aku pula ialah 12, antara orang yg terawal jugak out of ~30 people.

Sebelum ke OSCE 2 Uhuk Sis Pemalu 2.0

Medical based Long/short case day - DAY 7
- Hari yang digerunkan sudahpun tiba. Malam tadi jangan cakaplah, entah berapa minit je aku tidur kot 😅 Semua tajuk common untuk medical long case aku baca uwu. So kepada pelajar yang dapat medical based long case perlu tiba di kampus seawal 7:30 pagi. Semua dikehendaki berada di dewan teater dan nama akan dipanggil mengikut nombor.

- Aku punya waiting time tidaklah berapa lama, tidak sampai satu jam. Sebaik sahaja tiba giliran aku, aku masuk ke bilik tutorial bawah sebelah PKU untuk meng'clerk' case. Sebaik sahaja masuk ke dalam, aku dapat patient perempuan, tak boleh agak dia ada sakit apa at first tapi along  taking the history akhirnya dapat diagnosis but its a long list of patient admissions already; long drug lists, complications, side effects, recent attacks. Tak termasuk physical examination, diff dx, management lagi. 1 hour is not enough so yeah provided you manage your time well & pick up only important things so you do not need to worry. Luckily during discussion with examiners the mood are quite ambience tho I stucked a little. Kiranya ini exam besar yang akan menentukan hidup kot tipu la tak gigilll uwu

- And yeah disebabkan dapat case yang aku tak expect langsung & studied once during week 1 study week, memang aku startled, and kesudahannya ---> 😢😢 sangat-sangat yang tahap takleh positive langsung 😅Kelakar bila nak diingatkan balik. Tapi lega sangat bila dah keluarkan semuanya HAHA

- Balik tu aku cam takde lah by hard sangat study untuk short case. Means aku nak relax je. Yelah, long case tu punyalah aku study semua benda yang common last2 tak kena langsung. Tapi semuanya ada hikmah 😊😉😉

Surgical based Long/short case day - DAY 8
- Malam tu aku study lewat jugak lah sebab takde drive dah nak study untuk surgical based. Nasib baik time study week dah kumpulkan semua notes so senang nak cari. Just kiranya aku strengthen lagi dengan bukak textbook supaya nampak gambaran. Contoh untuk Surgery topics aku bukak buku Browse's supaya aku nampak jelas physical examination untuk Varicose Vein etc. Remember my laptop rosak? So memang study pakai buku ajeee. Untuk Orthopaedic memang aku baca yang dah revise time kelas tambahan punya. Cumanya bukak youtube untuk hilangkan penat study sendiri. Untuk O&G pula study yang basics jugak. Pendek kata just remember your skills and steps

- Tiba hari kejadian. Time ni kitorang akan masuk selepas group long case surgical based siap. So masanya sudah tiba. Macam biasa berkumpul di dewan teater. Apabila first few students dipanggil untuk beratur di hadapan, kami tepuk tangan dan bagi kata-kata semangat like

"Good luck future doctors. After this you all will be called as a doctor" 😊😊

- Semua senyum lega pandang each other yang macam okay dah sampai endingnya this battleship. This is it guys this is it. Remember, this is the last few minutes we struggle together during this degree. And me to me myself, "Please hold on few more minutes Hajar. Ini peluang terakhir kau. Kalau nak tebus kesilapan mana-mana part seperti teori ke long case ke osce ke, inilah masanya. This is the time where you will shine your innerself."

- Phew. Tiba giliran aku. Aku and 3 orang yang lain pergi ke bilik yang ditetapkan. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim aku melangkah masuk. Sudah terdapat 2 examiners menunggu aku. Both are external ones.
- Firstly dapat case Obstetric. Secondly, an Orthopaedic case. Thirdly, Gynaecology case. I have no comments doh semua patients tu to be honest tak tahu whether I did well or not. 👀 Tapi segalanya diserahkan kepada Allah. Aku sampaikan dah reda sangat-sangat time habis tu.

- To be honest, susah gila short case surgical based. I dont know kalau you suka tapi trust me time Pro short case surgical based susah dia lain macam. 👀👀 Tapi tula depends on many factors too. Luck also. Anyhow semuanya rezeki masing-masing yang Allah dah tentukan. (Trust me also sekarang memang positive 200%, tapi waktu dah habis exam tu 0% positive weh kena member betulkan kegoyahan semangat ini uwu)

- Habis je giliran aku memang kitorang bantai sembang pasal case masing-masing di bilik MKK sementara menunggu semua siap. Lama jugak tunggu sampai 2,3 jam juga. Lunch disediakan. Tapi nak makan pun tak lalu sebab nak bersembang HUHU.

- Long story cut short, petang tu sebenarnya dah ada panggilan untuk VIVA keesokan paginya. Panggilan start pukul 6 lebih hingga 7 PM. Alhamdulillah tak kena tapi still cuak takut tak pass. Macam-macam fikiran dah time ni semua tak positif 👀😅

- Malam tu teman orang VIVA sampaikan aku terbabas tidur tempat diorang.

Okay hari keesokannya (16 Ogos 2018) ialah hari untuk sesi VIVA (pagi) & hari result annoucement.
Aku akan sambung dalam next entry pula, stay tuned. 💖

Kubi XxX
Suka bercerita 😁

P:s// Time exam aku kemaruk nasi gong bau @ Uncle Chua. 2 kali repeat 👋👀

Monday, December 24, 2018

Trip Bajet Ke Korea : Wearing Hanbok; The Traditional Korean Dress (Day 5)

23 September 2019 // SUNDAY FUNDAY

Day Korea : A day being a Korean :)
  • Hanbok Rental at Hanboknam
  • Bukchon Hanok Village
  • Changdeokgung Palace
  • Yang Pang Chicken
  • Ewha Women's University Shopping Street

Harini kitorang punya iti nak pakai hanbok dress sambil pusing-pusing Bukchon Hanok Village and Changdeokgung Palace. As usual kitorang prepare breakfast dekat rumah to make sure perut dah berlapik. Kalau tak nanti kang tengah jalan kau akan lapar dan susah jugak nak jumpa makanan halal 👀👀

Macam biasa lah dah sampai subway kena selfie satu kaleyyy buat tatapan generasi akan datang 😙💖

best travelmatesSs

Sebaik sahaja turun dari subway, kitorang pun mencarilah kedai Hanboknam ni. Punyalah berpusing mencari kedai ni tak jumpa-jumpa ehehe. Sepanjang mencari tu kedai sekeliling sangatlah lawa and mempunyai design yang unik and kemas. To be honest memang tak terasa lah tersesat lama mencari nya sebab ter amaze dengan kawasan sekeliling. ☝ Satu lagi yang aku boleh highlight is udara sekeliling pun sangat bersih dan segar tanpa pencemaran bau. Yap to me that is reaaaally important. Pergi mana-mana pun kalau bau K.O, memang akan terkesan di hati ecewah 

Shop details

Shop name: Hanboknam
Address109 Sogyeok-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea

Berapa harga sewa Hanbok dress ni?

Kalau korang guna voucher book yang dapat dari Discover Korea Your Way by Korea Tour Organization tu, akan ada satu page untuk discount for 1 hanbok dress rental by Hanboknam. You should go take that voucher book first, its worth it. Kitorang dapat discount sampai 8,000 kwon off. So total price yang kitorang bayar per dress is 12,000 kwon only. We took that 4 1/2 hour duration to rent so the price actually depends based on duration too. Another one it depends on the theme you choose. Kitorang punya theme ni the cheapest. Ada theme yang aku berkenan tu tapi quite mahei so issokay dah nama pun trip bajet kan 😝😛 

ground floor is coffee shop. nampak tak staircase belah kanan tu?
Yes it is the entrance to go to hanboknam which is situated at upper floor. 

Once dah paid and chose your theme, you will go to upper floor to see many kinds of hanbok dress to choose from. they were arranged according to colors. i found myself rambang mata while choosing mine because yeah i gotta be cool and looking pretty the whole day for the sake of nice pictures 😍

There we go, wearing our own attires, some were in red, pink, mint, purple and orange while me took that turqoise-and-cream-colored one. it reminded me of those time when turqoise color were in trend. everyone was fancying towards making turqoise color into their own wedding, raya dress color theme few years back. 💕

First and foremost, we arrived to this beautiful cultural village named Bukchon Hanok Village was located nearby. You can get in here on foot from Hanboknam. You may take as many ootd pictures as you want but bear in your mind, never make loud noises as there were actually people living in this residence. There were also some guesthouses around as well, I bet the room price per stay is pricey tho looking at its strategic area.

Rent a hanbok dress if you go here! Baru lah into the mood~

TIPS #2: 
Best travel partners are actually those yang sentiasa ready and sanggup untuk ambilkan gambar you and vice versa :)

After dah cukup 100 gambar dekat Bukchon Hanok Village, then we moved to the next destination, which is Changdeokgung Palace. To reach there you will need to go on foot also. Use your map.

If you are wondering whether is it okay to be wearing hanbok all the way there, then yes it is sangat normal actually. In fact, theres lot of them tourist and locals wearing it to go to palace and other areas. Besides, if you enter the palace while wearing hanbok you won't need to pay for the entrance fees. ✌👋

Capturing moments like this is my fav things to do 👋

"I will buy one of those pretty dresses the next time I come here again" - said me to myself

Pretty isn't it? #TPkitties

Finally we had arrived to the destination. It is not too far tho but obviously i got so dehydrated from all those sweat and respiration processes etc 😅. The only things that came to my mind while arriving is "weh nak beli air". They got shops in there so yupe bring your money also. We just left other unnecessary staffs in storage at Hanboknam.

Take 1


Recharging nyawa

Lets take a tour around inside 😺 boleh feeling-feeling duduk dalam historical korean drama jugek ehehe

Ailin and me 🙆

Bila dah almost 3 hours wearing this dress taking pictures and so on, my camera battery decided to kong out of sudden. Phew what a moment. I didnt bring extra camera battery so I just used my phone and my friends'. It is crucial actually to bring extra battery. TIPS #3

We had fun! Put today's trip into your itinerary and you won't forget it forever 😄

Lastly, we had our first proper meal of the day which is at Yang Pang Chicken.

To be honest, their ayam goreng and ayam cili is too delicious. To my surprise, sos dia sedap and sangat boleh diterima tekak melayu siam I. We even tapau it back home to eat bila lapar. The price is affordable and worth every penny tho 🙋 One more fact, pakcik kedai tu boleh cakap Melayu tau so jangan main-main HAHA

Dia punya makan tu kenyang sampai over kenyang and mabuk lol.

And yes.
Kitorang mengamalkan prinsip makan dekat Korea:

Makanlah puas-puas selagi dekat sini,
nanti dekat Malaysia dah takde 😲

Pakcik tolong ambilkan gambarrr uwu

Bila dah kenyang haruslah walk around to reduce calories after that kan 😜

So we went to Ewha Women's University Shopping Street then. To be honest, I found this shopping street has very affordable price of clothes to buy. You can find every kind of clothes such jackets, sweatshirt, hoodie sweater, dress, socks which everything is actually kinda university students' fashion styles as it was nearby to the uni.


  • Kalau you dah niat nak shopping baju, you dah boleh beli dekat sini few pieces which costs you about 10,000 kwon per clothe only. I actually regretted it a bit that I didn't buy that 1 piece of clothe yang I suka, & sampai sekarang terngiang-ngiang dia #takdejeki
  • Ada satu shop yang jual sangat-sangat banyak stokin corak comel, kena cari betul-betul that shop in here. Sebab i think kat tempat lain takde kot yang harga 10,000 kwon for 10+1 (free) socks. 

That's about it for today's iti. Stay tune for my next entry 💖

P:s// I actually did self-brainstorm few tips from time to time to share here uwu what other tips I shall share ya? 

Kub X

Bangkok Day Tour [Day 3]

Let the pictures do the talking :)