The girl.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Am I ready yet?

Hello assalamualaikum all.

I'm back again after few many weeks. This time around I was about to enter the 4th week of IM posting.

Recently I have been sharing a lot of things regarding #hosurvival issues in my fb and twitter. Personally during this posting, I feel so clueless, inferior and low because I have to keep up with so many things. I'm not genius so I think that I have to compensate it with studying much more 

So let's rewind memories to 2 days back, during our on-call case discussion session with Dr WR at campus. In the class, Dr (our lecturer) gave us so many situations in regards to possible cases that will come during our HOship later. [Honestly guys, in year 5 we we trained so hard as a young future houseman to be]

One of the situations is: A patient with lowish blood pressure was brought to Emergency Dept at 3AM. As a HO that was incharged that night, what would you do first? What are the possible causes of it? What should you do first? You will need to inform your senior eventhough it was freaking 3AM, right? Because you wouldn't want your patient collapsed right before your eyes due to your inadequate knowledge... Thus, it is important to think fast being a doctor.


Being in the Internal Medicine posting (our second last posting), we as final year students were placed in the ward as the objective of it was we have to get familiarized and  be able to manage patients in the ward during HOship. For the past 3 weeks, we took care patients of our own beds, follow their updates/investigation/management every day so the responsibilities were put on us prior to becoming a future doctor.

I believe that as undergraduate students, we need to be more proactive and hardworking enough to be successful and prove to our lecturers/specialists that we are worth and trusted to be HO under them. Guys, do pray for me ya. This path is hard but I'll find ways to endure it.


Bangkok Day Tour [Day 3]

Let the pictures do the talking :)