The girl.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

My unusual thoughts -,-

Assalamualaikum ! J

Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah. I gain my strength every time I went back home. Home was always been a place that we all will feel quite safe.

So three weeks of Modul 4 has just passed. Fuuuuw what can I say? Only Allah knows perangai aku, malas aku rajin aku. Modul 4 ni sebenarnya everything about blood and lymphatic mechanism. Anddd we met prof from Iraq, AP. Dr Uday many times in a week for his lectures, practical sessions, seminars and CLA! I’m so glad that his wonderful teaching could sometimes makes me feel so grateful than ever, so far he is one of the best of the best lecturers I’ve met ever since.

Next week we got 3 University Subject Examination 3 days in a row starting from Tuesday. Bless me :3 Anddd there left  1 month away from our first EOS. Benda ni la buat aku tak tenang tiap hari derr.

Celebrate birthday Sima in advance :)

Bangkok Day Tour [Day 3]

Let the pictures do the talking :)