Sakit nye kepala sekarang.. aduy.. Nak menulis diari, malas.
Dah berminggu jugak tak berdiari..thehe, Malas nak menulis yang oi. Banyak lagi komitmen aku kat benda lain. Ceh, padahal aku tak pegang jawatan besaq pun :p
Camne nak hilang sakit kepala ni eh? Ni mesti sebab banyak fikir. Walhal ape benda je aku fikir. Nak berdrama, nantilah sat. N
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Dinner Medisza 13/14
Those meaningful and unforgettable moments....
Ya Rabb I am very grateful for this chance :)
Thanks for those involved in these photos <3
Ya Rabb I am very grateful for this chance :)
Thanks for those involved in these photos <3
Friday, June 6, 2014
Take a break
Assalamualaikum everyone :-)
Alhamdulillah. Here I am, laying in front of lappy and enjoying every moment while I am Home! Actually, my grandma is the reason why I am in Qlate. Do pray for her health everyone. InshaAllah Allah will reply your kindness back
Okay back to the topic.
Sekarang ni aku just nak cerita progress belajar modul Gastrointestinal Tract System ni. Basically sistem ni pasal digestion, secretion, absorption and expelling wastes in and out of our body. Honestly speaking, aku memang agak suka tajuk ni sebab kebanyakannya kita perlu fikir logik, faham dan sebenarnya recall from our sekolah dulu je kan.
Before starting this module, Kak Najlaa cakap dia suka module ni whereby kawan dia semua disagree except this one sister la. Dia dapat A for this that's why la aku rasa 'aku-pun-boleh-jugak-kot'. Aku pun mula mencari kekuatan how to increase my stamina studying all these stuffs and where to get the booster kan..... Kalau korang nak tahu, semangat aku study boleh datang dari pelbagai sources. Firstly because of Allah, Nabi, family and parents including grandma,
Dua minggu lepas aku dah dapat result Central Nervous System aku. Alhamdulillah I'm so grateful. And I'm looking forward to my Endocrine & Metabolism result pulak which next week inshaAllah will be revealed. Haihhh Im so nervous because I just expect very high for this. May Allah ease everything. But if it didn't achieve my goals, it is okay because maybe there's still some weak points within me, who knows, maybe I have lack of anything from certain aspects. Maybe Allah wants me to figure it out and try again. Because He is Yang Maha Penyayang.
Dan aku rasa budak degree lain dah habis exam. Sekarang ini hanya tinggal kitorang. Ah this happens at the end of semester.
Dan dan dan. Aku harus memikirkan tentang persiapan dinner medisza nanti. Fikir tentang................hehehe nothing ;-p I just cannot wait for that night ^0^
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