The girl.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

anxiety disorders

excuse my awkward pose. 

currently i don't feel like studying. goshhh

this morning we were attending Stress Management Workshop. there are students from other unis too attended and yeah, it feels like living among some variety of humans again. i guess this event should be done more frequently as it gives us so much input that was so worthy.

i guess i don't feel like stressful again after this one whole day workshop geee ;)

and you know what, within 5 days more i'll be sitting on my Respiratory System Module examination paper and the anxiety feeling is just coming by again and again. i'm a paranoid person who had always fear about not getting higher marks than i did before. but i think it is okay for me to not be able to achieve those sparkling marks yet because maybe there is some reason Allah don't wanna give me yet. yes i have faith in Him so much

you know why does Allah test us? because He loves us so much and wanna see us be grateful and never run  away from Him whenever something bad happens.

i had this one bad habit which only some of my close friends knew about it. fyi, i was about to throw the habits away whenever it comes to 'new year' celebration but it seems that i was weak enough to get rid of it. maybe i need to strengthen my heart right after deleting it from my brain huh?

ps:// the latest post in my insta tells everything about me right now. that i think i am able to fight the feelings but i just can't
pps:// i hate the fact that i lose sometimes
ppps:// feeling miserable, always
pppps:// there are quite few numbers of 'em asking me bout my sweet nickname, kubi and i don't wanna explain bout it unless you are such a close friend to me


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Layan cerita


Harini aku macam free sikit sebab cuti penuh hari Khamis. Boleh la relax-relax kat katil dalam hujan camni sambil tengok cerita-cerita yang berkurun dok dalam laptop kan.

Aku nak cerita pasal hobi.

Lately ni kan, aku memang suka layan drama yang berkaitan dengan medical things. Bila aku layan medical related movies/drama barulah aku tak rasa serba salah nak tinggalkan notes tak terbaca sehari dua kahkah.

1) It's Okay That's Love
2) 1 Liter of Tears
3) Team Medical Dragon
4) Emergency Couple

Yang latest aku tengok 1 Liter of Tears. Memang se'bucket' kfc dah keluar ayaq mata tengok. Aya suffered from Spinocerebellar Degeneration Disease, memang sakit pasal saraf. Lastly, she died. Memang sedih gila vavun.

Tiap kali tengok cerita medical-related, aku rasa lain maciam.Sedih, taknak sakit dan berazam akan mengambil pemakanan diet yang seimbang selamanya supayaa tidak akan sakit, berdoa kat Allah aku dapat badan yang kekal sihat, in the end, rasa nak study tu membuak, hopefully. Korang doakan aku tau, supaya aku sayang and caring kat semua patient aku, inshaAllah, suatu hari nanti.

Aku ni lain maciam jugak sensitif nya kalau pasal sakit. Tak tentu hala. Haritu pergi spital pun dah sebak. Entah apa aku bayang gak eh.

Pastu aku fikir kalau orang yang aku sayang sakit, aku mampu tak jaga? Kalau aku jaga, adakah diorang akan jaga aku pulak kalau aku sakit? Haaaaa aku kalau dah fikir jauh, memang camni jawabnya.

Sama-sama doa la ye. Lebyu guys xoxoxo

Bangkok Day Tour [Day 3]

Let the pictures do the talking :)