Assalamualaikum wbt
Harini aku teringin nak bercerita pasal kisah hidup di universiti, apa yang aku buat seharian. Hehe
6:00 - harini aku bangun awal. minggu ni hari2 aku bangun awal sbb busy dan sentiasa cemas untuk prepare pasal ccc. cuma harini memang hari presentation nya so aku siap2 bangun mandi solat Suboh pakai jubah hitam dan tudung segera double face terus lepas tu practice berulang-ulang kali. Haha
8:00 - bergerak ke kampus. tak mampu nak breakfast or minum air semua sbb dah menangis ketakutan di dalam hati. ahaha. bila sampai je dalam dewan teater dah ada sorang. pastu sorang2 students masuk ambik tempat duduk.
8:30 - Clinical Case Conference by me, Adawiyah and Ainaa started. we took turn. it ended on 10:45 Alhamdulillah. Hopefully you guys received many <3
10:50 - borak-borak ngan member lepak2 minum ambik gambar buat kenangan hahaha
11:30 - kelas Radiology1 & 2 di Bilik Tutor 6 with Dr Husbani. Best time ni tapi aku yang ngantok. Nak hilangkan ngantok tu aku terpaksa telan 2 bijik gula-gula. Ada kalanya aku pergi urut tangan member sebelah haha
12:45 - habis kelas terus makan di cafe. harini aku makan mee goreng basah, sedap oi kemain laju aku sedut2 mee tuuu
1:15 - balik ke asrama sebab terlampau kepenatan dengan kereta member. balik2 terus tidur
3:45 - member datang kejutkan sebab pukul 4 ada class. guwa solat Zohor di kampus (nasib baik sempat lagi fuhhh takot nanti direjam di neraka) bila sampai bilik tutor 3, Dr tak sampai pon lagi. katanya lepas Asar baru start. Guwa pon solat Asar teruihhh
4:50 - Seminar presentation by postingmates entitled with Breast Lump. Best part Anatomy, Benign & Malignant tumour, Approach to tumour, 3 Clinical Assessment.
6:15 - Kelas habis. Balik ke asrama semula.
6:30 - pergi berjalan kaki ke kedai makan Mama Tomyam bersama fatin and adawiyah. Lapar sangat. Aku beli sup ayam & air milo peng 1 gosh sedap sangat dia masak huhu. Lepas balik tu makan2 mandi solat Maghrib borak2.
8:15 - gerak ke kampus semula sebab ada class.
8:30 - Seminar presentation by my other friends entitled with Colorectal Carcinoma. Best sangat presentation ni dan banyak input yang diterima. Dr yang mengajar pon merupakan surgeon di HSNZ, she's great and i <3.
10:00 - kelas habis, balik bilik terus kemas bilik setelah seminggu ditinggalkan like a mess. aku dok kemas nota Orthopaedic, lipat baju, sapu2 sampai 2 jam gak. (OCD satu hal thats why lama haha)
12:00 - baru solat Isya' setelah lega dengan keadaan bilik. lepastu tengok drama sambil tidor kahkah.
12:40 - melelapkan mata yang kepenatan :>
Okay tu jelah basically cerita hidup aku yang pack. Harini ialah hari ke-5 posting surgery tapi disebabkan aku sibuk dengan CCC tu, memang aku tak sentuh pon buku Surgery huhu guilty to the level of 99.
Ps:// Pagi Ahad lepas semasa on the way pulang ke KT dari Kelantan, aku drive for about 80km tapi ikut jalan Jerteh la. Alhamdulillah. Thanks. Straight after that terus rasa ingin memiliki kenderaan sendiri hahaha
Bye my readers! :) Stay healthy and be good.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Friday, March 18, 2016
Thursday, March 17, 2016
My first community social job
Assalamualaikum wbt
Event ni dinamakan Community Social Responsibility 3.0 dan berlangsung pada 4th March 2016 lepas, i swear this is my first experience as a volunteer. Pengalaman ini sangat indah as we were asked to interview and made a follow up for all those families over the Kampung Rahmat Village.
Because we are the Group 4 following after the previous groups, so we only had to review current symptoms of patients, make a plan and some advice were made by doctor & MA. All in all, I would say that this program should be built by semester. I learned something new in the process of being a good mature person. I also was exposed to the real life out there where certain people had difficulties in their life regardless of how many choices they get. We as generasi yang baru need to take an action...
Event ni dinamakan Community Social Responsibility 3.0 dan berlangsung pada 4th March 2016 lepas, i swear this is my first experience as a volunteer. Pengalaman ini sangat indah as we were asked to interview and made a follow up for all those families over the Kampung Rahmat Village.
Because we are the Group 4 following after the previous groups, so we only had to review current symptoms of patients, make a plan and some advice were made by doctor & MA. All in all, I would say that this program should be built by semester. I learned something new in the process of being a good mature person. I also was exposed to the real life out there where certain people had difficulties in their life regardless of how many choices they get. We as generasi yang baru need to take an action...
=) #lotsoflove
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Assalamualaikum and hi readers! Harini nak share tentang pengalaman sepanjang berelective posting di Sabah. So for the first part, I wanted...
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