The girl.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Future :x

So on past few days ago, my friends and i were having a nice chit chat about medical life after struggling reading notes. we did wander which departments do we suit in. she then claimed out of honesty and sincerity, "b aku rasa kau sesuai masuk medical department" i was like "yeke kenapa kau rasa macam tuh? tapi memang aku pun rasa nak join medical department." smiled. "aku taktahu kenapa tapi aku tengok kau sesuai"


I learned that best friends do tell something berdasarkan apa yang diorang nampak dan tahu kelemahan/kekuatan kita.

Doctor to be <3

Thursday, August 11, 2016

~That first time feeling~

Assalamualaikum, hi guys

Nak cerita pasal exam remedial medical aku tadi, sorry if ada any medical term terselit dekat sini. Just wanna share a bit about the pre, during and post exam situation of mine.

First of all i wanna say million thanks to my besties yang sama2 exam sekali. Without them, most probably my semangat untuk belajar hilang. I need some people to force me study. Ataupun i will send whats app messages to family group saying "please doakan aja setiap kali lepas solat. exam ni moga2 dengan berkat semua boleh lulus" i kept repeating the same thing to others also. Ramai jugak member yang wish good luck, i appreciate it so much :) Believe me, it relieve my stress a bit

1 week plus prior the exam, we started the so-called-study week for us, just right after finished o&g posting. we somehow request bedside teaching from Prof Zaw Aung. we presented cases of acute coronary syndrome, acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke, polycystic kidney disease and lastly community acquired pneumonia. I wanna say thanks again to prof bcs willing to help us. Love u prof!

Then 2 days prior the exam, we had class on electrocardiogram with dr kurnia. omg. ecg is so difficult to interprete so i think i need some more time to gain knowledge of ecg XD btw thanks & Love u dr!

Setiap hari study atas katil sebab meja belajar dah takde rupa meja. Jadi meja buku slash makan slash make up pulak hahaha. Struggle baca lecture notes laju-laju setiap hari dalam seminggu lebih tu. Hari terakhir memang dah tak boleh baca semua lecture dah. Cuma menghafal script penting untuk long case je. Yang lain udah tak mampu awokkk. Tidur pukul 3.30am pun sebab dah confusion (hahaha read: sleepy) Member siap bacakan pasal malaria tapi aku memang ngantok gile zzZzZ

10 Ogos 2016.
Exam day. Medical EOP.

8.30 am
Multiple True & False paper = Banyak yang tak tahu dan tak ingattt. Dah lah waktu ni palpitation gila-gila. Tak cukup nafas sebab soalan agak susah.
One Best Answer paper = Kalau tak tahu mesti hentam hahah

9:45 am
Problem Based Question Paper = Harap-harap tak tolak markah banyak sangattt please doctorrr

11.00 am
OSCE paper = Harap banyak tolong paper theory tadi hihi. Furthermore interactive session dapat soalan blood pressure measurement. Alhamdulillah okay lah

2.00 pm
Long case exam = Inilah part yang paling digeruni sebab tak tahu case apa yang kau boleh dapat. Daripada 4 ward medical, probability nak dapat case senang tu tipis. Time ni kau hanya berdoa untuk dapat patient yang cooperative, banyak bagi history yang betul, dan seterusnya barulah kau boleh berfikir dengan tenang dan tanpa nervous. Tadi aku dapat makcik 62 y/o from Kg Losong, a housewife admitted 5 days ago with chief complaint of fatigue for 8 months prior to admission. Basically makcik is anaemic with Hb level of 4g/dL only. It was associated with palpitation & jaundice also. Gave differential diagnosis of anaemia secondary to viral hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and bone marrow malignancy. 

Hopefully all went well, clinical examiners are being so kind today I <3 Prof Zaw, Dr Wan Razin, Dr Tanveer <3 Pray that i'd passed! So nervousss :-|

Fan of Doctors korean drama! Gave 5/5 for this! Also am going for that hairstyle for certain! (hehe just pray for me ok)

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Need everyone's support

Sekarang mental aku tak berapa nak stabil. Guys....I have to repeat a test which is the end of medical posting test. Things are getting hard. I forgot almost 70% I learned during that posting which was on October last year :'( I dunno why but everything seems to be off the track. So many things need to be memorized and understood within 5 days.. Ya Allah please help me..

But as long as I live, I will try harder and harder.  

Bangkok Day Tour [Day 3]

Let the pictures do the talking :)