(I was just having Sushi King Dinner with my housemates prior to blogging this. Hey know whattt? I could not hold myself any longer from not blogging. While it is still fresh inside my mind, here I am again, wanted to share some of my happy (and bitter?😆) stories 😙😊😄
Guys, today marks the end of our 'Obstetric & Gynaecology II posting'. It was really sad tho that we have to finally saying goodbyes to this posting. I could not believe that those 8 weeks of O&G had passed. WTH so fast lehhh. Just like that? T_T Wait a minute.. lemme pause for awhile....
Tbh I did not take this posting seriously during earlier weeks bcz i was kinda not getting any accelerations. It was too bad tho bcz only towards the end of the posting, I finally got my muse, my source of inspiration which is, me myself 😂😌 I finally pick up my strength and confidence somewhere again after having a bit upsides down. (apalah sangat sebenarnya haha)
Its true, being the leader's assistant and also as the leader of my bedsite teaching group itself, it was such a 'clumsy of me' throughout these 8 weeks. However I kinda of trying to pull myself together and keep calm. And to add some more facts, I truly enjoyed and had fun with the guidance and teaching shared by our own 2 lovely, kind-hearted lecturers, some of the HSNZ obstetricians and gynaecologist plus 2 external lecturers. Alhamdulillah I am truly grateful with these opportunities.
But to further in this field, I need to do some more thinking leh and also after completed my compulsory 4 months duration of O&G posting during HOship. Of course I have to follow both my heart and brain also then only can decide 👸 Ya all need to pray what's the best for me also ehehe (I ady have some list of my next career pathway choice btw 😉)
Ya, I have a lotttt of stories to tell so along with that, I share these photos below to guide my stories. Enjoy!
With To' Puan Dr Maziah, O&G consultant and also our UniSZA vice chancellor's wife 😉 Be noted, she was a former RCOG member ya all. In fact, RCOG is a guideline used worldwide in managing ladies' problems. This picture taken after having Seminar Preterm Labor at Labor Room Priba. (sambil dengar seminar sambil dengar baby menangis 😆) |
After BST with her. These r my bst groupmates yo |
With Prof Syukri, he is from USM. He was my lecturer's lecturer.. Ok guess his age then :) |
With Dr Faridah, HSNZ specialist after presenting cases. Very fun and meaningful session btw! |
With Dr Jumizah. 💚 |
💛 session with Dr Yusmadi. We also had fun Obs Ward Round with him which I totally enjoyed! (walaupun still rasa bodo lagi waktu tu 😸tp thanks dr for your encouraging words!) |
🙌🙏 |
Okay tak boleh blah gambar ni pun nak selitkan gigih sis buat collage okay 😝 During episiotomy wound repair skilled lab session with Prof Anisah! |
With Dr Halimatun, after Seminar Recurrent Miscarriage 😍😍 |
😃 |
With the onco-gynaecologist Dr Wan Rosmidah 😍 Her BST session also was superb!!! Tq dr |
With DR Rohana 😙 will forever remember your encouraging words |
After BST with lovely Prof Ma 😇 I m the one presenting, IUGR case 😱 hopefully leh ingat sampai pro |
Nilah namanya gigih semua nak masuk cramped dalam lift haha pastu terus suruh snap satu kaleyyy. |
Okay cerita pasal exam lak. Week 7 we already had our short case exam. I got gynae case which was a missed miscarriage case. I think I have done my best so pls pray for the best okay!
Meanwhile for long case pula which was on yesterday, I got obs case; Postdate mother who had prolonged pregnancy exceeds her expected delivery date.
And today we had our theory and osce papers. & I think overall it was quite manageable 😜 so I am done sharing few things regarding my 'eventful' O&G life.
See pictures below, taken after finished exam and straight going lunch at Ayam Penyet sedap oiii😂 xx
With both Prof Anisah & Prof Ma 😘 |
Wefie |
Wefie dalam radiography room after done osce using polaroid yg fun😽
😺 |
Tadaaaaa! My new fav |
That face bila orang smoke betul betul asap dia lalu kat muka ko. Siot aje |
Ambik gambar diroang jugak. Separated lunch btw 😹😹 |
I am finally done. Thanks for reading up till here. Till we meet again in the next post yea. Tak sabar nak enjoy this transient holidat before next posting, ORTHOPAEDIC coming next Sunday! 😂🙋
L.O.L kubbie