The girl.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Interview Medic USM 2013

Assalamualaikum and good eveningggg :-)

Harini aku nak cerita pasal interview medic USM, and maybe pengalaman aku ni akan sedikit sebanyak buat juniors aku tahu dan bersedia untuk korang nye becoming interview yeaa. SO before ingatan aku beransur-ansur hilang, moleklah aku cerita sekarang hekhek.

Sebenarnya, memang atas paper tulis 8.30 pagi interview, but hopefully korang dapat sampai awal sebab ramai sangat. Bila dah ramai, turn korang pun jadi lambat, so korang nye 'penungguan' akan ter cumulated compared dengan orang yg beratur daftar depan-depan korang tu. hihi macam aku, sampai 735 pagi tapi habis interview 1.00 tengah hari :') *campak minyak wangi*

During my interview session, there are 2 ahli panels which are Doctors Satriyah and the other 1 i don't remember.

Straight to interview lah. Basically, importantly, korang kena ada ilmu pasal :-

  • Background USM
  • 1st and 2nd year of medical student study apa
  • Basic knowledge time previous lesson during matric/asasi kena dalam kepala
  • Differences between UM and USM (like how much the practical years ; do elaborate wisely babe)
  • Term-term yang berkaitan seperti houseman, oncall
  • APEX status
  • Why USM is famous?
  • Prinsip-prinsip dalam USM bagai-bagai
  • How many campus of USM are there?
*Be sure to 'power' part fakta, sebab mana tahu korang dapat soalan yang unexpectedly kan :>

So, Imma gonna tell you dear gegirl and boboy sekalian all the questions that were given to me :)

  • Firstly, 'tell me about yourself' (this is a WAJIB question ; do quick revision & google the sample answer)
  • Why USM? (here, seriously you need to be creative)
  • Why medicine? Who inspired you? *duuuuh
  • Apakah kelebihan awak yang membuatkan kami nak pilih awak? hiii goreng sajalahhh
  • Kami ada collaboration dengan U di India. Kalau kami pihak USM hantar kamu ke India, kamu sanggup tak?
  • Apakah preparation awak sebagai seorang yang bakal menjadi pelajar medic?
  • Ditakdirkan kamu takpat medic USM, apa kamu nak buat?
  • Apa dia 1st and 2nd year punya pelajaran?
  • What is your challenges as female medical student when finding a job? Do you think it is easy for you to get a job? If difficult, what will you do? Haaaaa. Ambik kauuu.
  • What is infectious diseases? Give an example.

SO this is the like problem solving question at the end of interview. Miraculously, it is the same like the one I've been surfing on internet in the night before the interview! But yeah, if you couldn't speak in English as asked and do not express your opinion brilliantly, still you cannot go with it. But!! Always be positive!! I am sure my juniors can do better than me :-)

You have group discussion and always do discussion. One day, you found out
that one of your groupmate is romantically in love with one of the member of
another group. They planned to get married at the end year-of break. The
couple came to you and asked your opinion.

The question is, what advice will you give them?
My another close friend got question like this :-

Suatu malam, kamu tengah ber relax relax, and then terdengar suara pekikan/
lolongan/raungan neighbour sebelah. Apakah tindakan kamu?

Hahah. Cuak tak? Cuak kan? Relax. Korang handal punya. Takleh gelabah dan poyo lah kan. nanti nampak macam kerek bagai. Yang penting, ayat korang semua tu mesti on track and tak leh out of the topic : being a medical student. Nak hilangkan nervous tu, selawat banyak2. Takpun borak ngan stranger sebelah. Eh? hihi. SO that's all. Hopefully this will help you a lot. Good luck! Keep smiling k!

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