The girl.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

it's about a long-lost tumblr girl

1) i hate romantic movie of Channing tatum since I've watched many so I knew it is so shame to me. It's kinda, c'mon lah he's married & got a beautiful kid. I surely have no idea why you act with random girls and got kissing sukahati you want? I'm a bit upset but hell yeahhh, that's kafir. You are different to us muslim. I love ya very much (your accent&dance to be exact) and hopefully you'll be one of us. someone has to da'wah on ya <3

2) tomorrow they will start off their class. maybe it's actually not a real class, where they're just having a ice-breaking like session together between lecturers & students. Well they're some who already started today. i can tell they are a bit nervous but for nerdy me, I have got so excited whenever it comes to the first dayyy youuu. soo hello new student! *wave hands

I find it best to be alone. There are times I need to be alone with Him only. & times I'd like to be searching through stuffs at tumblrs, yeah at least at this very leisure time. It's just the invisible world & me >

Aaaaaaand not all problems you can settle it by yourself. You need to open your eyes, there are many people out there who are willing to help. Notice your surrounding too b

Bagi aku semangat
Jerit pada telingaku 
Kau tak jadi kahwin wahai crushku Syamsul

Eh. nonsense. bai

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Bangkok Day Tour [Day 3]

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