The girl.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Sepanjang Urinary System ~~ apa yang guwa dapat?

Assalamualaikum ~~

Alahaaai tajuk post macam poyo plak. Takpe la janji senang aku nak search in future nanti hehe

Ada apa dengan Urinary System Module plak? Haaa.
Sebenarnya modul ni takde susah sangat pun. Dia pasal function of our kidneys goes down along the urinary tract and how does it work to complete the task which is, produce urine. And what if it fails? We could get kidney failure or more worsen, we should have haemodialysis treatment or kidney transplantation.

So, a person needs to consume healthy food to get a healthy body. If there's too much unhealthy things in your body, kidney will fail to filter the toxic out of body and instead, it will circulate in our bloodstream. Ain't these dangerous fellas? T-T

Yes. There is this one condition, a most popular topic during childhood, when child gets sudden feel to urinate during nights, go to the toilet frequently, or there is leakage of urine while they are sleeping, yes don't worry, it exists in medical world. If it ever happened to your children during their growing up moment, do not feel shy to ask doctors about some therapy, then as time goes by the problem will be resolved, inshaAllah :>

Actually based on some facts, that particular child has a condition called overactive bladder. It is actually a part when your bladder (urine storage site) has some problems while functioning. Then, it is divided into 2 types which are urge urine incontinence (UUI) and stress urine incontinence (SUI). UUI is a condition when patients has urge and immediate urination. SUI means a condition when certain pressure such as laughs, giggles could stimulate urine loss and causes leakage.

Our Autonomic Nervous System is divided into two branches, which are sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. These 2 kind of nerve play vital role during urination. Thanks to parasympathetic nervous system that we can urinate with their stimulation every time needed.

Hah. There's lot of diseases and cancers associated with urinary tract also. But nahhh there's a lot for me to mention all of them here so I simply conclude that a healthy and balanced diet determines your future bright life. Not to forget, many patients at as early as 20 age get disease. So, beware girls and boys ✌👌🙆‍♀️


faces during the whole 6 weeks of this module :-)

right after the EoM ;-) 

Ps:// I am sorry that those facts above in english, hehehe coz kinda excited to tell ya.. I hope this entry give you some ideas>i hope like a lot :-)
Ps:// Should clear and prepare my mind for next module already ;-) bye xx

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