Assalamualaikum wbt
Tonight we enter 6th Ramadan Mubarak. I'm writing from my laptop here in my hometown. Speaking about weather, tonight's warm, chill and breezy. This Holy month is so full of miracles, Allah has given us a great opportunity to keep praying towards Him.
I'm still recalling upon my previous posting which just ended yesterday. Time is really going fast. Yet, there is another one last posting waiting on the day after tomorrow before I finally finish 3rd year. It's Obstetric & Gynaecology. I wanted to share my feeling right now. It's a bit nervous yet feeling happy inside. Plus, I'm feeling super excited because it happens in this Holy month! :)
Honestly, I'm afraid I will be crying terharu/sedih whatever whenever there is a mother tengah menahan sakit bersalin, pada masa yang sama sekumpulan doktor dan jururawat sedang berusaha bertungkus lumus menyelamatkan nyawa ibu dan kandungannya. You just see me tough outside but actually I'm so fragile. I tell you awal-awal.
Stay in my memory storage for a long time, would you? |
I was like "bawa buku pulang dengan harapan baca few pages pon jadilah XD". Ended up, here writing a blog only :P |
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It is about Understanding Female -- MYSELF :P |
Pray for me dear readers! Bye! :) <3
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