The girl.

Monday, September 12, 2016

22 me !

Assalamualaikum wbt !

Pada jam 9:02 pagi tanggal 1 hb September semalam saya sudah tepat berusia 22 tahun! Amboi detail giler aku huhu okay. I receive all warm and kind wishes, thank you dearies semua. May Allah bless.

Adik aku kelakar, sebelum dia tahu semalam birthday aku, dia macam tahu2 je sbb dok nyanyi lagu Happy Birthday to You banyak kali. Adoi la budak sorang ni. Lepas mak aku balik sekolah, abang aku belikan kek Blueberry hehe sedap! Malam tu lepas Isyak kitorang makan dekat Nandos Peri-Peri Chicken @ Aeon KB. Aww 2nd time makan, I love grilled chicken wings <3

Thanks families.
Thanks friends.
Thanks dear my own self.

Anyway guys, esok aku balik Terengganu dah. Lusa dah start class of Family Medicine Posting yuhuu I can't believe it that the fact that I am already A FREAKING FOURTH YEAR MEDICAL STUDENT. How time flies. Next year I'll be final year student pulak. Thats how our world works. Keeps on going. No matter how frustrated you are that you wanna it to stop, you still gotta move forward peeps

New semester's resolutions
-Always plan first
-Study hard and smart
-Do not be lazy

“A medicine cat has no time for doubt. Put your energy into today and stop worrying about the past.” 
― Erin HunterRising Storm

“As to diseases, make a habit of two things — to help, or at least, to do no harm.” 
― Hippocrates

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Bangkok Day Tour [Day 3]

Let the pictures do the talking :)