Salam and greetings 😊
Year 2016 has come near to its end. can u believe it guys,? i will be turning 23 y/o unofficially next 3 days? wkwkwk so nervous. coz i still have that thought that being 20 and above is the phase where adults have to take so much responsibilities. since young i have that thought in my mind...
yaaaa anyway, i just realized few days ago that basically my blogposts have nothing but all about medic stuffs right? what a boreddd lyfe hajaaaarrr 😆 well hellooo thats the end of my childishness ok. atleast i already realized it. so for my personal 2017 resolution on this blog, i think that i would like to share lots and lots of lyfe stories compared than b4. well its better than having told u guys abt my boring routine medic lyfe. its too plain do 😂 i wanted to delete all those posts but sokay, i just want it to be remained there 🙈
okay lets talk abt my 2017 resolutions first. i just wanna mention few things first coz it needs to be done slowly but turns out great in the end. ya all know what i meant right? :p
i wanna change myself better. from the aspect of studying, friends, family. and more importantly, me myself. change is good whether if its from bad to good, from good to more good, you choose. for me myself, i just wanna eat healthily after this 👀 yaknow, i won't take more cholesterol, fat, oil, carb into my plate anymore. this is serious, jaaa...👯 if i were to recall the time when i was form 1-form 3, i seldom take dinner. dunno why, but it makes me happy because no visible fat existed, BMI considered borderline normal, siapa taknak woiii. So i will change my routine diet starting next week, okay heart! be tough! its for your own good sayang ✌❤👌
secondly, i wanna save moreeee money as soon as i receive my JPA biasiswa next semester! this is gonna take fast and furious action, take note dearself! say no to any SALES in HERMO, new DRESS/BLOUSE, no new LIPSTICKS, unnecessary SHAWLS/TUDUNG. i have a weak heart when getting know all abt these stuffs erghhh so for that, i will immediately transfer 'em moneyh into another bank account. no kidding 👍 this is for your own good hajaaaar as you are gonna be using it for later trip 💪
For next year, i will have 6 more postings to enter. which are Ophthalmology, Ear Nose and Throat (ENT), Surgery, Psychiatry, Emergency Medicine & last but not least, Internal Medicine. this is the toughest part of the year. inshaAllah i will try my best to get a PASS in each postings. you guys need to always keep my name in your prayer ok..tbh, i really need those. ✋☺ Doakan Siti Hajar bt Abdul Hadi sentiasa lulus dalam exam dia ya Allah. Permudahkan segalanya, kuatkan ingatan dia, berkatilah pelajaran dia, amiiin amiin. Thanks guys
P/S: currently watching Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim. its so good to boost up students'. love the theory parts of it, the actresses, the actors. thanks for acting great enough! #thebestdoctordramaever
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Friday, December 9, 2016
Community Medicine III
Assalamualaikum wbt, greetings everyone 👲
Currently am in ComMed III posting. Nama lain ComMed ni ialah Public Health; means Kesihatan Masyarakat targeted at population level, not individual like usual postings. This is the last of CM sepanjang 5 tahun dalam kos ni, and the toughest I bet sebab exam nnt dalam bentuk block exam! 💃 Huwaaaaaaaa. Walaupun exam tu lagi sebulan tapi aku still rasa takut and nervous sbb kena cover banyak tauuu.
Kali ni ComMed III belajar tentang Occupational Health yang merangkumi Occupational Hazards, OSHA etc, Environmental Health yang merangkumi Rural vs Urban Water whatsoever. Korang boleh refer jadual kat bawah tu. Semua benda boleh masuk exam 👻. Bila prof cakap macam tu jeaaa, laju aku bukak mata balik fokus pada lecture hehe
Jom bukak mata tengok jadual belajar sepanjang kitorang posting ni :
Jadual Minggu 1-4. 💟
Nak cerita pasal block exam tu pulak. Block exam tu maksud dia, kitorang exam untuk 3 postings secara serentak. Kalau sebelum ni waktu Tahun 3, kitorang exam guna sistem End of Posting exam. Means, lepas habis posting je terus exam. Tapi untuk Tahun 4, dah kasi upgrade sikittt la. :") I m so chuak 😓
So exam nya adalah :
💚Forensic Medicine
💗Community Medicine III
Please doakan saya okay. I will start studying from today onwards. Yaaaa, who dont want flying colour results maaa 🙀
P/s:: just recovered from high grade fever few days back. Phewww walaupun 1 hari je demam tapi wallahi rasa berat kepala tu hanya Tuhan yang tahuuuu~ thanks kepada yang mendoakan xo 😄💝
Currently am in ComMed III posting. Nama lain ComMed ni ialah Public Health; means Kesihatan Masyarakat targeted at population level, not individual like usual postings. This is the last of CM sepanjang 5 tahun dalam kos ni, and the toughest I bet sebab exam nnt dalam bentuk block exam! 💃 Huwaaaaaaaa. Walaupun exam tu lagi sebulan tapi aku still rasa takut and nervous sbb kena cover banyak tauuu.
Kali ni ComMed III belajar tentang Occupational Health yang merangkumi Occupational Hazards, OSHA etc, Environmental Health yang merangkumi Rural vs Urban Water whatsoever. Korang boleh refer jadual kat bawah tu. Semua benda boleh masuk exam 👻. Bila prof cakap macam tu jeaaa, laju aku bukak mata balik fokus pada lecture hehe
Jom bukak mata tengok jadual belajar sepanjang kitorang posting ni :
Jadual Minggu 1-4. 💟
Khamis tu cuti seminggu sempena Krismas yeayyyy happy but exam block the next following week .. |
Hyeee. Can u see the last part?? Kitorang exam pada hari Rabu = 4 Januari 2017. Saya mohon tembakan doa saudara saudari sekalian okay 😵😳👀 Thanksss |
Nak cerita pasal block exam tu pulak. Block exam tu maksud dia, kitorang exam untuk 3 postings secara serentak. Kalau sebelum ni waktu Tahun 3, kitorang exam guna sistem End of Posting exam. Means, lepas habis posting je terus exam. Tapi untuk Tahun 4, dah kasi upgrade sikittt la. :") I m so chuak 😓
So exam nya adalah :
💚Forensic Medicine
💗Community Medicine III
Please doakan saya okay. I will start studying from today onwards. Yaaaa, who dont want flying colour results maaa 🙀
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👪 Yang tu semua postingmates kecuali yg pakai vase biru gelap tu, Medical officer from kk hiliran. |
P/s:: just recovered from high grade fever few days back. Phewww walaupun 1 hari je demam tapi wallahi rasa berat kepala tu hanya Tuhan yang tahuuuu~ thanks kepada yang mendoakan xo 😄💝
Thursday, November 24, 2016
A Day in Anaesthesiology Posting.
It was Wednesday, 4th day of being in this so called 'minor posting'..
Anaesthesia. What does it mean?
In the practice of medicine (especially surgery) and dentistry, anesthesia or anaesthesia is a temporary induced state with one or more of analgesia (relief from or prevention of pain), paralysis (muscle relaxation), amnesia (loss of memory), and unconsciousness.
Senang cerita, bius bagi hilang rasa sakit/tak sedar/tak bergerak.
Let me give you a little throwback on last Wednesday activities, okay? :)
6:30am Solat Subuh, mandi bersiap siap (ok its quite late to wake..)
7:45am Naik kereta and bertolak ke HSNZ
8:00am Arrived at Seminar room Anaesthesiology Department, ICU (3rd floor). Waiting to meet our supervisors. We did discuss everything we are unsure of in this posting, some theory parts, common anaesthetic drugs etc. After all, i like this session because actually it grows bond between us and specialists there. We are grateful for this chance, Dr.
9:30am Make a quick move to OT in the next building bcs we had class with Dr Suryawan in the Day Care Seminar Room of OT. Changed attire to OT attire; wearing same pair of blue attire with everyone including surgeons, anaethesists, MOs, HOs, nurses etc, but the tudung is what differs us. We wore a white coloured tudungwhich I really hate it :P So CBD topic today is Spinal Anaesthesia (^_*) I have so much yet to study okay.. So many things I haven't read, which makes me guilty to level of 99. I shouldn't be like this. All students shouldn't be, actually. :P
12:00pm Finished class. Heading straight to cafe bcs I was damn hungry. Should have ate breakfast first :( Love cafe food bcs so many vegetables I can choose from XD Didn't mind if I have to pay more for 2 different vegetables + 1 chicken thigh. Then went back home to take a short nap, Zuhur prayer.
2:15pm Arrived at campus for a Seminar class. Today's topic was Common Anaesthetic Drugs. Learnt more about induction agents, local anaesthetics, premedication. Thanks to all 6 presenters :>
4:30pm Finished class. Going back to hostel, Asar prayer, sembang2 lepak2, bought cafe's delicious kuewtiaw kung fu. Ate early dinner.
7:00pm Went to Jemaah Maghrib prayer at surau. Listened to tazkirah hadith 11 following that by Ustaz Safri. Loved it :> Then followed by Isya' prayer...
9:15pm Went to postingmate's room to copy today's notes bcs didn't bring my pendrive today and had chitchat a while jugaklaa. Sampai room terus organize them into a desktop folder.
12:00am Gone to a deep sleeeeeppp
P/s: Its not a tiring posting. But need to study first before come to class bcs all specialists like to ask questions, but dont worry, they are very kind :^)
Anaesthesia. What does it mean?
In the practice of medicine (especially surgery) and dentistry, anesthesia or anaesthesia is a temporary induced state with one or more of analgesia (relief from or prevention of pain), paralysis (muscle relaxation), amnesia (loss of memory), and unconsciousness.
Senang cerita, bius bagi hilang rasa sakit/tak sedar/tak bergerak.
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With Dr Karim -- our fav Anaesthetist in hsnz :) |
Let me give you a little throwback on last Wednesday activities, okay? :)
6:30am Solat Subuh, mandi bersiap siap (ok its quite late to wake..)
7:45am Naik kereta and bertolak ke HSNZ
8:00am Arrived at Seminar room Anaesthesiology Department, ICU (3rd floor). Waiting to meet our supervisors. We did discuss everything we are unsure of in this posting, some theory parts, common anaesthetic drugs etc. After all, i like this session because actually it grows bond between us and specialists there. We are grateful for this chance, Dr.
9:30am Make a quick move to OT in the next building bcs we had class with Dr Suryawan in the Day Care Seminar Room of OT. Changed attire to OT attire; wearing same pair of blue attire with everyone including surgeons, anaethesists, MOs, HOs, nurses etc, but the tudung is what differs us. We wore a white coloured tudung
12:00pm Finished class. Heading straight to cafe bcs I was damn hungry. Should have ate breakfast first :( Love cafe food bcs so many vegetables I can choose from XD Didn't mind if I have to pay more for 2 different vegetables + 1 chicken thigh. Then went back home to take a short nap, Zuhur prayer.
2:15pm Arrived at campus for a Seminar class. Today's topic was Common Anaesthetic Drugs. Learnt more about induction agents, local anaesthetics, premedication. Thanks to all 6 presenters :>
4:30pm Finished class. Going back to hostel, Asar prayer, sembang2 lepak2, bought cafe's delicious kuewtiaw kung fu. Ate early dinner.
7:00pm Went to Jemaah Maghrib prayer at surau. Listened to tazkirah hadith 11 following that by Ustaz Safri. Loved it :> Then followed by Isya' prayer...
9:15pm Went to postingmate's room to copy today's notes bcs didn't bring my pendrive today and had chitchat a while jugaklaa. Sampai room terus organize them into a desktop folder.
12:00am Gone to a deep sleeeeeppp
P/s: Its not a tiring posting. But need to study first before come to class bcs all specialists like to ask questions, but dont worry, they are very kind :^)
Friday, November 4, 2016
Beautiful Mind ^.^
Lee Young-O (Jang Hyuk) is an excellent neurosurgeon with zero sympathy. One day, he becomes involved in bizarre patient deaths. He also falls in love and recovers his humanity.
A very recommended doctor drama to watch ^_^
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Bye Bye Family Medicine and Dermatology :(
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Dr kurnia and Us :) |
Alhamdulillah. Semalam kitorang dah habis exam block Family Medicine and Dermatology. It consists of:
Family Medicine
- 30 OBA questions
- Feeling? semua soalan sangat confuse, jawapan semua betul tapi memerlukan higher brain function to answer that crazy ques XD
- 5 PBQ questions about DM, Hyperthyroidism, Ethics Principle, Geriatric assessment etc.
- Not bad. Tak terlalu susah laa kot
- 20 MTF questions
- Wow! Sungguh terasa debaran nya di situ. setiap kali jawab soalan objektif, nafas aku mesti turun naik turun naik. Rasa nak marah kat diri sebab tak pay attention about that certain diseases
- 5 OSCE questions about Scabies, Pitting of the nail, Neisseria Gonorrhoea, Erythema nodosum, Steven Johnson Syndrome.
- This time I am so clueless. Hopefully dr will pass us. Amiiin <3
2 days back, aku study from 8 pm till 3 am on Dermatology sahaja. Itu pun masih tertinggal nota-nota penting tak dibaca untuk jawab MTF. Walau macam mana pun, good job dear self. You have done your best, just pray for good result okay.
What I Love About Dermatology? :)
Sepanjang posting 2 minggu di Klinik Kulit Hsnz, setiap pagi memang wajib pergi klinik sbb kena observe procedure, see lesions and can clerk patient also. Disease/skin lesions memang varies every day, from Eczema (bedang), molluscum contangiosum (kudis nasi), Urticaria (bedang also), Scabies (kudis buta), Herpes Zoster (kayap), acne vulgaris (jerawat), kurap (tinea corporis), ruam-ruam badan (Rashes) dan bermacam macam lagi lah.
Besides, kitorang attached to medical officer so kena tahu management of patient, education etc. Alhamdulillah for this very opportunity, but seems I'm not sure yet whether Dermatology is the right place for me in future, nay?
I love 2 visiting lecturers from USM, who taught us lectures, CBD and Seminars. Thank you so much Prof Mokhtar & Dr Wan Hasbee. Love the way you both taught us. Very clinicaly approach. Dermato Made Easy. :)
I think these are my favourite things during this posting.
So, whats next?
Welcome to Forensic Medicine, B!
Tbh, I am so nervous for this posting. I have so much expectation for myself in this Forensic Thingy emmm InshaAllah pray for me okay dearies? May Allah ease our life always amiiin :>
Figure 1 & 2: Timetable
P/S: Maybe I can watch Sherlock Holme's , CSI to motivate myself?
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Tasik Puteri, Bukit Besi, Dungun with Girl friends
15th Oct 2016
It's indeed a very boring weekend since I've finished my Fam Med osce last Wednesday so bila dah tiba hari Sabtu, you can imagine being me ._. being soooo idly in the bed, lepas Subuh, which usually people akan tidur sepuas-puas hati but no for me ._. I'm too much having nothing to do so I told 'em "weh jom kita pi mana-mana nak? Aku dah nak jadi gila ni, please" (kena tambah muka comel sikit baru mereka tergoda. *zass)
Yesss dorang terus ON XD
My girls lepas bangun terus bersiap gerak Dungun pukul 11:30 pagi. I am freaking exciteddddd hehehe Alhamdulillah first time drive for more than 2 hours ._. Luckily the road is only straight eventhough 3 kali jugak sesat mihihi K
Lepas pick up Raihan & done our prayer only we went bought our lunch by Pantai Dungun then chow to the destination. Pffft sampai pun sebelum pukul 3 petang. Sampai-sampai terus makan dulu HaHa
(supposed pergi sungai mandi, tapi kitorang rendam kaki pun tak HaHa)
Enjoyed it so much.
Plus the ATV too, though we chose for Easy Fun Ride XD (RM10 per ride.)
Safely arrived Maidam at 7:30 pm. Alhamdulillah. Azie driver. Thanks Fatin sebagai waze, Ada sebagai tukang ON, Raihan sebagai tuan rumah. <3
P/S: Pray for my upcoming Block Exam --> Family Medicine + Dermatology. Thanks <3P/SS: Scarlet Heart Fever
Friday, September 30, 2016
Birthday Celebration Surprise
17092016; From Maidam hostel's room.
So yesterday, my girl friends and me had a picnic by the tebing sungai masjid terapung Kuala Ibai, KT. We decided to cook spaghetti carbonara as the main disheswhich I've been longing for so soo long time XD
Rewind to 2 hours before picnic-ing

Selepas membeli groceries, we all did cook together. We were divided into 4 teams; team air & buah buahan, team spaghetti, team kuah & team goreng-goreng. Lol I was the one who came up with those team names XD
It took us about 2 hours to prepare all those food and lastly packed them. After solat Asar and bersiap-siap, we went to our destination. We arrived there at around 5:20PM and to our surprise, there was already so many people having a wonderful weekend activities with their loved ones. Besides, there was mini pasar malam that sells various kind of food, clothes and so on.
Then, we found a nice picnic place beside the river bank. Goshhh I could see some people literally walking above the water! (Its not ayah pin ok lol) JK guys! Actually the water is slowly going to surut hehehe. Then we set up the placeeeee
The menus.
Carbonara Spaghetti
Hotdogs and burger beef goreng
Green & Red Apples
Yellow Rambutans
Rozelle Drink
Okay this is the most funniest part XD
Azieni asked us to eat fruits first as she said it plays an important role for our digestion in stomach and intestines. I literally 'buy' her advice yes why not? But after already more than 15 minutes passed, I decided to take the main dishes awww who can resist that babyyy kan
Few minutes later,
There were these 'group of strangers' walking slowly behind me, carrying some fancy bright colour balloons and a cake. Aku dah macam eh "birthday siapa pulak ni? Eh ni member aku ni. Eh aku keeee laaaa"
Got Pranked. So successful la you girls. XD
Thanks dearies. Azie, Fatin, Raihan, Farhanin, Ainaa, Ailin, Minah, Adawiyah. Sumpah terharuuu
So yesterday, my girl friends and me had a picnic by the tebing sungai masjid terapung Kuala Ibai, KT. We decided to cook spaghetti carbonara as the main dishes
Rewind to 2 hours before picnic-ing

Selepas membeli groceries, we all did cook together. We were divided into 4 teams; team air & buah buahan, team spaghetti, team kuah & team goreng-goreng. Lol I was the one who came up with those team names XD
It took us about 2 hours to prepare all those food and lastly packed them. After solat Asar and bersiap-siap, we went to our destination. We arrived there at around 5:20PM and to our surprise, there was already so many people having a wonderful weekend activities with their loved ones. Besides, there was mini pasar malam that sells various kind of food, clothes and so on.
Then, we found a nice picnic place beside the river bank. Goshhh I could see some people literally walking above the water! (Its not ayah pin ok lol) JK guys! Actually the water is slowly going to surut hehehe. Then we set up the placeeeee
The menus.
Carbonara Spaghetti
Hotdogs and burger beef goreng
Green & Red Apples
Yellow Rambutans
Rozelle Drink
Okay this is the most funniest part XD
Azieni asked us to eat fruits first as she said it plays an important role for our digestion in stomach and intestines. I literally 'buy' her advice yes why not? But after already more than 15 minutes passed, I decided to take the main dishes awww who can resist that babyyy kan
Few minutes later,
There were these 'group of strangers' walking slowly behind me, carrying some fancy bright colour balloons and a cake. Aku dah macam eh "birthday siapa pulak ni? Eh ni member aku ni. Eh aku keeee laaaa"
Got Pranked. So successful la you girls. XD
Thanks dearies. Azie, Fatin, Raihan, Farhanin, Ainaa, Ailin, Minah, Adawiyah. Sumpah terharuuu
Monday, September 12, 2016
Welcome to Fourth Year !
Assalamualaikum wbt and hi guys !
Its the end of Week 1 of Semester 7.
I am currently in Family Medicine posting which it can be defined as medical speciality specialized in treating patient and the family.
So, first and second day kitorang diperkenalkan dengan introduction and principles of family medicine, lecture on primary health care services, common acute & chronic adult cases, practical on common procedures in klinik kesihatan such as use of metered dose inhaler (MDI), insulin pen etc.
Then on the third day barulah pergi ke Klinik Kesihatan Seberang takir dan melakukan procedures, ckerking, observe consultation and so on. Basically kehidupan di KK sangatlah busy sbb pt ramai & semua kerja haruslah dilakukan non stop. Berhenti hanyalah waktu lunch sbb pt pun dah tak ramai waktu tu
So di kesempatan ketika di KK inilah kau boleh tolong tolong staff nurses & doctors ambil darah (venepuncture), buat ECG, tolong isi borang-borang, and so on. Gayanya memang kelihatan seperti sudah bekerja yuk!
Btw, CPG memang kena bawa yaa. Bukan sahaja bawa, malah hafal, khatam dan hadam! Dr will love you if you read it already hahaha
~GINA Classification
~Heart Diseases
and the list goes on
Thats all my short but sweet stories for first week hehehhe nothing much. Later i will update some new interesting stories if got :)
Good bye readers, till next post!
Ps:// Salam Aidil Adha to all muslims reader. <3
Its the end of Week 1 of Semester 7.
I am currently in Family Medicine posting which it can be defined as medical speciality specialized in treating patient and the family.
Group 1 Year 4 Mbbs Unisza :) |
So, first and second day kitorang diperkenalkan dengan introduction and principles of family medicine, lecture on primary health care services, common acute & chronic adult cases, practical on common procedures in klinik kesihatan such as use of metered dose inhaler (MDI), insulin pen etc.
Then on the third day barulah pergi ke Klinik Kesihatan Seberang takir dan melakukan procedures, ckerking, observe consultation and so on. Basically kehidupan di KK sangatlah busy sbb pt ramai & semua kerja haruslah dilakukan non stop. Berhenti hanyalah waktu lunch sbb pt pun dah tak ramai waktu tu
So di kesempatan ketika di KK inilah kau boleh tolong tolong staff nurses & doctors ambil darah (venepuncture), buat ECG, tolong isi borang-borang, and so on. Gayanya memang kelihatan seperti sudah bekerja yuk!
Btw, CPG memang kena bawa yaa. Bukan sahaja bawa, malah hafal, khatam dan hadam! Dr will love you if you read it already hahaha
~GINA Classification
~Heart Diseases
and the list goes on
Our face nak berjalan cari makanan kat pntai :) |
Thats all my short but sweet stories for first week hehehhe nothing much. Later i will update some new interesting stories if got :)
Good bye readers, till next post!
Ps:// Salam Aidil Adha to all muslims reader. <3
22 me !
Assalamualaikum wbt !
Pada jam 9:02 pagi tanggal 1 hb September semalam saya sudah tepat berusia 22 tahun! Amboi detail giler aku huhu okay. I receive all warm and kind wishes, thank you dearies semua. May Allah bless.
Adik aku kelakar, sebelum dia tahu semalam birthday aku, dia macam tahu2 je sbb dok nyanyi lagu Happy Birthday to You banyak kali. Adoi la budak sorang ni. Lepas mak aku balik sekolah, abang aku belikan kek Blueberry hehe sedap! Malam tu lepas Isyak kitorang makan dekat Nandos Peri-Peri Chicken @ Aeon KB. Aww 2nd time makan, I love grilled chicken wings <3
Thanks families.
Thanks friends.
Thanks dear my own self.
Anyway guys, esok aku balik Terengganu dah. Lusa dah start class of Family Medicine Posting yuhuu I can't believe it that the fact that I am already A FREAKING FOURTH YEAR MEDICAL STUDENT. How time flies. Next year I'll be final year student pulak. Thats how our world works. Keeps on going. No matter how frustrated you are that you wanna it to stop, you still gotta move forward peeps
New semester's resolutions
-Always plan first
-Study hard and smart
-Do not be lazy
“A medicine cat has no time for doubt. Put your energy into today and stop worrying about the past.”
― Erin Hunter, Rising Storm
“As to diseases, make a habit of two things — to help, or at least, to do no harm.”
― Hippocrates
Pada jam 9:02 pagi tanggal 1 hb September semalam saya sudah tepat berusia 22 tahun! Amboi detail giler aku huhu okay. I receive all warm and kind wishes, thank you dearies semua. May Allah bless.
Adik aku kelakar, sebelum dia tahu semalam birthday aku, dia macam tahu2 je sbb dok nyanyi lagu Happy Birthday to You banyak kali. Adoi la budak sorang ni. Lepas mak aku balik sekolah, abang aku belikan kek Blueberry hehe sedap! Malam tu lepas Isyak kitorang makan dekat Nandos Peri-Peri Chicken @ Aeon KB. Aww 2nd time makan, I love grilled chicken wings <3
Thanks families.
Thanks friends.
Thanks dear my own self.
Anyway guys, esok aku balik Terengganu dah. Lusa dah start class of Family Medicine Posting yuhuu I can't believe it that the fact that I am already A FREAKING FOURTH YEAR MEDICAL STUDENT. How time flies. Next year I'll be final year student pulak. Thats how our world works. Keeps on going. No matter how frustrated you are that you wanna it to stop, you still gotta move forward peeps
New semester's resolutions
-Always plan first
-Study hard and smart
-Do not be lazy
“A medicine cat has no time for doubt. Put your energy into today and stop worrying about the past.”
― Erin Hunter, Rising Storm
“As to diseases, make a habit of two things — to help, or at least, to do no harm.”
― Hippocrates
Friday, August 12, 2016
Future :x
So on past few days ago, my friends and i were having a nice chit chat about medical life after struggling reading notes. we did wander which departments do we suit in. she then claimed out of honesty and sincerity, "b aku rasa kau sesuai masuk medical department" i was like "yeke kenapa kau rasa macam tuh? tapi memang aku pun rasa nak join medical department." smiled. "aku taktahu kenapa tapi aku tengok kau sesuai"
I learned that best friends do tell something berdasarkan apa yang diorang nampak dan tahu kelemahan/kekuatan kita.
I learned that best friends do tell something berdasarkan apa yang diorang nampak dan tahu kelemahan/kekuatan kita.
Doctor to be <3
Thursday, August 11, 2016
~That first time feeling~
Assalamualaikum, hi guys
Nak cerita pasal exam remedial medical aku tadi, sorry if ada any medical term terselit dekat sini. Just wanna share a bit about the pre, during and post exam situation of mine.
First of all i wanna say million thanks to my besties yang sama2 exam sekali. Without them, most probably my semangat untuk belajar hilang. I need some people to force me study. Ataupun i will send whats app messages to family group saying "please doakan aja setiap kali lepas solat. exam ni moga2 dengan berkat semua boleh lulus" i kept repeating the same thing to others also. Ramai jugak member yang wish good luck, i appreciate it so much :) Believe me, it relieve my stress a bit
1 week plus prior the exam, we started the so-called-study week for us, just right after finished o&g posting. we somehow request bedside teaching from Prof Zaw Aung. we presented cases of acute coronary syndrome, acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke, polycystic kidney disease and lastly community acquired pneumonia. I wanna say thanks again to prof bcs willing to help us. Love u prof!
Then 2 days prior the exam, we had class on electrocardiogram with dr kurnia. omg. ecg is so difficult to interprete so i think i need some more time to gain knowledge of ecg XD btw thanks & Love u dr!
Setiap hari study atas katil sebab meja belajar dah takde rupa meja. Jadi meja buku slash makan slash make up pulak hahaha. Struggle baca lecture notes laju-laju setiap hari dalam seminggu lebih tu. Hari terakhir memang dah tak boleh baca semua lecture dah. Cuma menghafal script penting untuk long case je. Yang lain udah tak mampu awokkk. Tidur pukul 3.30am pun sebab dah confusion (hahaha read: sleepy) Member siap bacakan pasal malaria tapi aku memang ngantok gile zzZzZ
10 Ogos 2016.
Exam day. Medical EOP.
8.30 am
Multiple True & False paper = Banyak yang tak tahu dan tak ingattt. Dah lah waktu ni palpitation gila-gila. Tak cukup nafas sebab soalan agak susah.
One Best Answer paper = Kalau tak tahu mesti hentam hahah
9:45 am
Problem Based Question Paper = Harap-harap tak tolak markah banyak sangattt please doctorrr
11.00 am
OSCE paper = Harap banyak tolong paper theory tadi hihi. Furthermore interactive session dapat soalan blood pressure measurement. Alhamdulillah okay lah
2.00 pm
Long case exam = Inilah part yang paling digeruni sebab tak tahu case apa yang kau boleh dapat. Daripada 4 ward medical, probability nak dapat case senang tu tipis. Time ni kau hanya berdoa untuk dapat patient yang cooperative, banyak bagi history yang betul, dan seterusnya barulah kau boleh berfikir dengan tenang dan tanpa nervous. Tadi aku dapat makcik 62 y/o from Kg Losong, a housewife admitted 5 days ago with chief complaint of fatigue for 8 months prior to admission. Basically makcik is anaemic with Hb level of 4g/dL only. It was associated with palpitation & jaundice also. Gave differential diagnosis of anaemia secondary to viral hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and bone marrow malignancy.
Hopefully all went well, clinical examiners are being so kind today I <3 Prof Zaw, Dr Wan Razin, Dr Tanveer <3 Pray that i'd passed! So nervousss :-|
Nak cerita pasal exam remedial medical aku tadi, sorry if ada any medical term terselit dekat sini. Just wanna share a bit about the pre, during and post exam situation of mine.
First of all i wanna say million thanks to my besties yang sama2 exam sekali. Without them, most probably my semangat untuk belajar hilang. I need some people to force me study. Ataupun i will send whats app messages to family group saying "please doakan aja setiap kali lepas solat. exam ni moga2 dengan berkat semua boleh lulus" i kept repeating the same thing to others also. Ramai jugak member yang wish good luck, i appreciate it so much :) Believe me, it relieve my stress a bit
1 week plus prior the exam, we started the so-called-study week for us, just right after finished o&g posting. we somehow request bedside teaching from Prof Zaw Aung. we presented cases of acute coronary syndrome, acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke, polycystic kidney disease and lastly community acquired pneumonia. I wanna say thanks again to prof bcs willing to help us. Love u prof!
Then 2 days prior the exam, we had class on electrocardiogram with dr kurnia. omg. ecg is so difficult to interprete so i think i need some more time to gain knowledge of ecg XD btw thanks & Love u dr!
Setiap hari study atas katil sebab meja belajar dah takde rupa meja. Jadi meja buku slash makan slash make up pulak hahaha. Struggle baca lecture notes laju-laju setiap hari dalam seminggu lebih tu. Hari terakhir memang dah tak boleh baca semua lecture dah. Cuma menghafal script penting untuk long case je. Yang lain udah tak mampu awokkk. Tidur pukul 3.30am pun sebab dah confusion (hahaha read: sleepy) Member siap bacakan pasal malaria tapi aku memang ngantok gile zzZzZ
10 Ogos 2016.
Exam day. Medical EOP.
8.30 am
Multiple True & False paper = Banyak yang tak tahu dan tak ingattt. Dah lah waktu ni palpitation gila-gila. Tak cukup nafas sebab soalan agak susah.
One Best Answer paper = Kalau tak tahu mesti hentam hahah
9:45 am
Problem Based Question Paper = Harap-harap tak tolak markah banyak sangattt please doctorrr
11.00 am
OSCE paper = Harap banyak tolong paper theory tadi hihi. Furthermore interactive session dapat soalan blood pressure measurement. Alhamdulillah okay lah
2.00 pm
Long case exam = Inilah part yang paling digeruni sebab tak tahu case apa yang kau boleh dapat. Daripada 4 ward medical, probability nak dapat case senang tu tipis. Time ni kau hanya berdoa untuk dapat patient yang cooperative, banyak bagi history yang betul, dan seterusnya barulah kau boleh berfikir dengan tenang dan tanpa nervous. Tadi aku dapat makcik 62 y/o from Kg Losong, a housewife admitted 5 days ago with chief complaint of fatigue for 8 months prior to admission. Basically makcik is anaemic with Hb level of 4g/dL only. It was associated with palpitation & jaundice also. Gave differential diagnosis of anaemia secondary to viral hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and bone marrow malignancy.
Hopefully all went well, clinical examiners are being so kind today I <3 Prof Zaw, Dr Wan Razin, Dr Tanveer <3 Pray that i'd passed! So nervousss :-|
Fan of Doctors korean drama! Gave 5/5 for this! Also am going for that hairstyle for certain! (hehe just pray for me ok)
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Need everyone's support
Sekarang mental aku tak berapa nak stabil. Guys....I have to repeat a test which is the end of medical posting test. Things are getting hard. I forgot almost 70% I learned during that posting which was on October last year :'( I dunno why but everything seems to be off the track. So many things need to be memorized and understood within 5 days.. Ya Allah please help me..
But as long as I live, I will try harder and harder.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Memori Ob & Gynae :)
Bismillah walhamdulillah
I am very soon (inshaAllah) done with my Year 3 as a medical student. Still can't brain myself actually that the fact I have already gone 3/5 of journey. Tears, happiness, sweat, blood ((lol jk)) actually real in this field!
So how was Ob? Gyne? Ain't they tiring? Or..excited much to see babies :)?
To me, this posting is great because 1) its female thingy hehe I can relate myself with all those female problems existed. How does menstruation occurs, menopause, those famous leading death cancer nowadays e.g cervical cancer. Not to mention some more wonderful things in Obstetric. How does pregnancy affect your child or you yourself? What's the common diseases happen that affect throughout the journey? If there is, what would the investigation & management would be during prenatal, antenatal, postnatal, antepartum, intrapartum and even postpartum. So all those moments are very important to us medical team investigate and treat accordingly.
Throughout the weeks
We learned our cbd, seminar, bst sessions from beloved O&G specialists of HSNZ and 2 from other uni. Not to forget our beautiful and kind posting coordinator a.k.a O&G lecturer Prof Naghem <3.
Million thanks to my groupmates Adawiyah, Thennila, Afnan, Rao, Sherman and Ribka. Without them most probably my life during this posting would suck so much. Looking forward to see you all again next year :)
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Last night with postingmates and housemates. Domino's & Sushi King :) |
Furthermore, I think I was like, kind of understand all O&G Department people whose life were wholeheartedly dedicated for patients in this field. May Allah bless them. Muka orang yang sama je 2 hari berturut-turut. So busy to finish up their shift. I've witnessed some pregnant mothers whose life were in danger during labor. At 10 pm. Kind of hectic moment when specialist on-call came to check those mothers themselves. In difficult cases like twin delivery sometimes need for specialist's help. This job surely doesn't make money as first priority but, patient. SubhanaAllah. May Allah lead us to Jannah as well.
In a side note;-
Estimation labor process for first child is about 12 hours. And subsequently reduced to 8 hours.
If you ladies have some 'lady' problems, do not hesitate to seek for medical attention in nearby healthcare e.g clinic or even go direct to hospital.
Please, please and please take care of your health and your baby's! Do not miss Antenatal booking as it is very very important as well as Antenatal Check Up. Its important for your current health condition to get updated.
To all mothers (no one is exceptional ye) in the world, you are brave in my eyes. *GROUP HUG*
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Not sure yet which bidang I should enter :D |
To share a bit from my exam;
1) Got a long case exam of 36 year old malay lady, Gravida 3 Para 2, at 29 weeks 3 days Period Of Amenorrhoea, with underlying established Type 2 DM under insulin subactrapid 6u,6u,6u, presented to HSNZ with pv bleeding on the day of admission.
2) For theory papers hopefully I did well.
3) And for osce paper also <3
Congratz my batchmate! 2 years more to go ;)
Friday, June 10, 2016
6th Ramadan Mubarak..
Assalamualaikum wbt
Tonight we enter 6th Ramadan Mubarak. I'm writing from my laptop here in my hometown. Speaking about weather, tonight's warm, chill and breezy. This Holy month is so full of miracles, Allah has given us a great opportunity to keep praying towards Him.
I'm still recalling upon my previous posting which just ended yesterday. Time is really going fast. Yet, there is another one last posting waiting on the day after tomorrow before I finally finish 3rd year. It's Obstetric & Gynaecology. I wanted to share my feeling right now. It's a bit nervous yet feeling happy inside. Plus, I'm feeling super excited because it happens in this Holy month! :)
Honestly, I'm afraid I will be crying terharu/sedih whatever whenever there is a mother tengah menahan sakit bersalin, pada masa yang sama sekumpulan doktor dan jururawat sedang berusaha bertungkus lumus menyelamatkan nyawa ibu dan kandungannya. You just see me tough outside but actually I'm so fragile. I tell you awal-awal.
Stay in my memory storage for a long time, would you? |
I was like "bawa buku pulang dengan harapan baca few pages pon jadilah XD". Ended up, here writing a blog only :P |
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It is about Understanding Female -- MYSELF :P |
Pray for me dear readers! Bye! :) <3
Friday, June 3, 2016
Week 1 - Week 5 in Commed Posting ^.^
Assalamualaikum wbt & hye
Sekarang aku berada dalam posting Perubatan Masyarakat. It is a bit different from other posting bcos we need to learn Medicine in that particular community itself e.g Kg Baru/Kg Lama. This is more towards merawat dan mencegah pesakit di dalam sesebuah komuniti. Kitorang ditugaskan untuk membuat kajian mengenai Kesan Denggi Terhadap Penduduk Kampung Setelah COMBI dilancarkan.
We had so much fun doing research proposal, research writings (I did Lit Review part), Face Validation, Pilot Study, Data Collection; and even go to Distict Health Office terus to check for the Larvae sample! Seriously this posting is a bit sempoi, relaxing, minus the Biostatistic Quiz hehe
FYI, we finally successfully handled our own program (it's my first time though) on 28th May.
As a secretary for that program, my life in within a week has become upside down. Seriously, handling both attendance sheets & being a secretary wasn't an easy task. *is it me or just everyone feel this too?*
*Entry updated on June 3, 2017
Throughout the weeks
The peak of our posting! --> Health Intervention Programme
While on the other hand
On Week 5
We had some interesting field day visit trips to various places. We went to Hosp Besut, Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Kuala Terengganu, Klinik 1 Malaysia Hiliran, Klinik Kesihatan Hiliran, Klinik Desa Gong Pauh. It was a quick but memorable visits as we had learnt so many differences on primary, secondary and tertiary health care services provided in Malaysia. At the end of the day, we need to do reports based on our experiences..sort of. Thehe me should do it asap!
Okay till then, next week i'll enter Obstetric and Gynaecology posting. Seriously mixed feelings right now but i'am more towards happiness because it is 'all girls' matter' posting! Girls have to win any arguments no matter what haha seriously
Salam Ramadan Mubarak & Happy fasting my dear friends. xoxo
Sekarang aku berada dalam posting Perubatan Masyarakat. It is a bit different from other posting bcos we need to learn Medicine in that particular community itself e.g Kg Baru/Kg Lama. This is more towards merawat dan mencegah pesakit di dalam sesebuah komuniti. Kitorang ditugaskan untuk membuat kajian mengenai Kesan Denggi Terhadap Penduduk Kampung Setelah COMBI dilancarkan.
We had so much fun doing research proposal, research writings (I did Lit Review part), Face Validation, Pilot Study, Data Collection; and even go to Distict Health Office terus to check for the Larvae sample! Seriously this posting is a bit sempoi, relaxing, minus the Biostatistic Quiz hehe
FYI, we finally successfully handled our own program (it's my first time though) on 28th May.
As a secretary for that program, my life in within a week has become upside down. Seriously, handling both attendance sheets & being a secretary wasn't an easy task. *is it me or just everyone feel this too?*
*Entry updated on June 3, 2017
Throughout the weeks
@ District health office, nak tengok larvae sample under microscope!
Gotong royong sekitar balairaya day. A day before program :-) All girls except Ribka
Girls' night outing. Bila tengok gambar ni, benda first yang aku fikir ialah: in the future, i must show this picture to my daughters and sons..! And ask them cool tak mak?! haha
The peak of our posting! --> Health Intervention Programme
The programme was from 8am to 1pm.
With lecturers, JKKK Kg Panji Alam, Pegawai PKD, students from SMK Panji Alam :)
While on the other hand
On Week 5
We had some interesting field day visit trips to various places. We went to Hosp Besut, Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Kuala Terengganu, Klinik 1 Malaysia Hiliran, Klinik Kesihatan Hiliran, Klinik Desa Gong Pauh. It was a quick but memorable visits as we had learnt so many differences on primary, secondary and tertiary health care services provided in Malaysia. At the end of the day, we need to do reports based on our experiences..sort of. Thehe me should do it asap!
Okay till then, next week i'll enter Obstetric and Gynaecology posting. Seriously mixed feelings right now but i'am more towards happiness because it is 'all girls' matter' posting! Girls have to win any arguments no matter what haha seriously
Salam Ramadan Mubarak & Happy fasting my dear friends. xoxo
Friday, April 29, 2016
End of surgical posting :)
It has been 6 weeks since I first begin this posting. Untuk permulaan Week 1 tu memang aku tak boleh nak fokus langsung ke dia sebab kan ada ccc presentation. Yang pada Week 2 tu pun tak berapa nak all out jugak sebab energy aku terlebih kepada Family Day Medisza haha. Basically aku start serious untuk this posting semasa Week 4 :p
Classes: lectures/seminars/cbds/tutorials
Majority of the classes are with hosp specialists which I loveee it sooo much. Semua baik hati sebab bersabar mengajar kitorang dari simplest things to quite difficult one. So much respect to all great surgeons out there!
Everyday timetable?
Schedule pada setiap hari ialah lebih kurang sama sahaja. Setiap pagi ialah waktu ward work/clinic/OT session. Manakala pada sebelah petang pula kami akan ada cbd/seminar/tutorial/lectures/bedside teaching at wards. Each students will take turn to present cases. Kadang-kadang mungkin kau akan ada class pada waktu malam so, enjoy it! :-*
Pada Week 6 hari Rabu dan Khamis ialah hari exam.
Day 1 terdapat long case & interactive osce exam. Yes, semua long cases yang kami dapat ialah semua nya yang common di ward so please rajin clerk patient okay. Untuk interactive osce pula you must practice all the common procedures/examinations. Sebab, sometimes examiner would act like he/she is the patient so, be good and flexible tau. Just be relax sebab kadang-kadang kalau jadi nervous macam aku ni mesti tertinggal la 1,2,3 steps >.<
Day 2 pula ialah theory exam day. Dari mtf, oba dan pbq. Kemudian petang pula disambung dengan theory osce. InshaAllah you will be good. Just tanamkan semangat dalam diri you. Minta doa ibu bapa, dan minta support rakan-rakan rapat.
Take home message:
Dont skip ward work/clinic/OT cause you will regret it later.
Don't do last minute study cause you will suffer it like hell
Put your own effort when doing presentation slides. Do study it thoroughly and make sure you have everything inside your mind before presenting to your colleagues. InshaAllah you would done great. You would remember it till the rest of your life.
Ps://please pray so that i'd pass! Thank you <3
Lots of love xoxo kubi
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Diari hari kelima
Assalamualaikum wbt
Harini aku teringin nak bercerita pasal kisah hidup di universiti, apa yang aku buat seharian. Hehe
6:00 - harini aku bangun awal. minggu ni hari2 aku bangun awal sbb busy dan sentiasa cemas untuk prepare pasal ccc. cuma harini memang hari presentation nya so aku siap2 bangun mandi solat Suboh pakai jubah hitam dan tudung segera double face terus lepas tu practice berulang-ulang kali. Haha
8:00 - bergerak ke kampus. tak mampu nak breakfast or minum air semua sbb dah menangis ketakutan di dalam hati. ahaha. bila sampai je dalam dewan teater dah ada sorang. pastu sorang2 students masuk ambik tempat duduk.
8:30 - Clinical Case Conference by me, Adawiyah and Ainaa started. we took turn. it ended on 10:45 Alhamdulillah. Hopefully you guys received many <3
10:50 - borak-borak ngan member lepak2 minum ambik gambar buat kenangan hahaha
11:30 - kelas Radiology1 & 2 di Bilik Tutor 6 with Dr Husbani. Best time ni tapi aku yang ngantok. Nak hilangkan ngantok tu aku terpaksa telan 2 bijik gula-gula. Ada kalanya aku pergi urut tangan member sebelah haha
12:45 - habis kelas terus makan di cafe. harini aku makan mee goreng basah, sedap oi kemain laju aku sedut2 mee tuuu
1:15 - balik ke asrama sebab terlampau kepenatan dengan kereta member. balik2 terus tidur
3:45 - member datang kejutkan sebab pukul 4 ada class. guwa solat Zohor di kampus (nasib baik sempat lagi fuhhh takot nanti direjam di neraka) bila sampai bilik tutor 3, Dr tak sampai pon lagi. katanya lepas Asar baru start. Guwa pon solat Asar teruihhh
4:50 - Seminar presentation by postingmates entitled with Breast Lump. Best part Anatomy, Benign & Malignant tumour, Approach to tumour, 3 Clinical Assessment.
6:15 - Kelas habis. Balik ke asrama semula.
6:30 - pergi berjalan kaki ke kedai makan Mama Tomyam bersama fatin and adawiyah. Lapar sangat. Aku beli sup ayam & air milo peng 1 gosh sedap sangat dia masak huhu. Lepas balik tu makan2 mandi solat Maghrib borak2.
8:15 - gerak ke kampus semula sebab ada class.
8:30 - Seminar presentation by my other friends entitled with Colorectal Carcinoma. Best sangat presentation ni dan banyak input yang diterima. Dr yang mengajar pon merupakan surgeon di HSNZ, she's great and i <3.
10:00 - kelas habis, balik bilik terus kemas bilik setelah seminggu ditinggalkan like a mess. aku dok kemas nota Orthopaedic, lipat baju, sapu2 sampai 2 jam gak. (OCD satu hal thats why lama haha)
12:00 - baru solat Isya' setelah lega dengan keadaan bilik. lepastu tengok drama sambil tidor kahkah.
12:40 - melelapkan mata yang kepenatan :>
Okay tu jelah basically cerita hidup aku yang pack. Harini ialah hari ke-5 posting surgery tapi disebabkan aku sibuk dengan CCC tu, memang aku tak sentuh pon buku Surgery huhu guilty to the level of 99.
Ps:// Pagi Ahad lepas semasa on the way pulang ke KT dari Kelantan, aku drive for about 80km tapi ikut jalan Jerteh la. Alhamdulillah. Thanks. Straight after that terus rasa ingin memiliki kenderaan sendiri hahaha
Bye my readers! :) Stay healthy and be good.
Harini aku teringin nak bercerita pasal kisah hidup di universiti, apa yang aku buat seharian. Hehe
6:00 - harini aku bangun awal. minggu ni hari2 aku bangun awal sbb busy dan sentiasa cemas untuk prepare pasal ccc. cuma harini memang hari presentation nya so aku siap2 bangun mandi solat Suboh pakai jubah hitam dan tudung segera double face terus lepas tu practice berulang-ulang kali. Haha
8:00 - bergerak ke kampus. tak mampu nak breakfast or minum air semua sbb dah menangis ketakutan di dalam hati. ahaha. bila sampai je dalam dewan teater dah ada sorang. pastu sorang2 students masuk ambik tempat duduk.
8:30 - Clinical Case Conference by me, Adawiyah and Ainaa started. we took turn. it ended on 10:45 Alhamdulillah. Hopefully you guys received many <3
10:50 - borak-borak ngan member lepak2 minum ambik gambar buat kenangan hahaha
11:30 - kelas Radiology1 & 2 di Bilik Tutor 6 with Dr Husbani. Best time ni tapi aku yang ngantok. Nak hilangkan ngantok tu aku terpaksa telan 2 bijik gula-gula. Ada kalanya aku pergi urut tangan member sebelah haha
12:45 - habis kelas terus makan di cafe. harini aku makan mee goreng basah, sedap oi kemain laju aku sedut2 mee tuuu
1:15 - balik ke asrama sebab terlampau kepenatan dengan kereta member. balik2 terus tidur
3:45 - member datang kejutkan sebab pukul 4 ada class. guwa solat Zohor di kampus (nasib baik sempat lagi fuhhh takot nanti direjam di neraka) bila sampai bilik tutor 3, Dr tak sampai pon lagi. katanya lepas Asar baru start. Guwa pon solat Asar teruihhh
4:50 - Seminar presentation by postingmates entitled with Breast Lump. Best part Anatomy, Benign & Malignant tumour, Approach to tumour, 3 Clinical Assessment.
6:15 - Kelas habis. Balik ke asrama semula.
6:30 - pergi berjalan kaki ke kedai makan Mama Tomyam bersama fatin and adawiyah. Lapar sangat. Aku beli sup ayam & air milo peng 1 gosh sedap sangat dia masak huhu. Lepas balik tu makan2 mandi solat Maghrib borak2.
8:15 - gerak ke kampus semula sebab ada class.
8:30 - Seminar presentation by my other friends entitled with Colorectal Carcinoma. Best sangat presentation ni dan banyak input yang diterima. Dr yang mengajar pon merupakan surgeon di HSNZ, she's great and i <3.
10:00 - kelas habis, balik bilik terus kemas bilik setelah seminggu ditinggalkan like a mess. aku dok kemas nota Orthopaedic, lipat baju, sapu2 sampai 2 jam gak. (OCD satu hal thats why lama haha)
12:00 - baru solat Isya' setelah lega dengan keadaan bilik. lepastu tengok drama sambil tidor kahkah.
12:40 - melelapkan mata yang kepenatan :>
Okay tu jelah basically cerita hidup aku yang pack. Harini ialah hari ke-5 posting surgery tapi disebabkan aku sibuk dengan CCC tu, memang aku tak sentuh pon buku Surgery huhu guilty to the level of 99.
Ps:// Pagi Ahad lepas semasa on the way pulang ke KT dari Kelantan, aku drive for about 80km tapi ikut jalan Jerteh la. Alhamdulillah. Thanks. Straight after that terus rasa ingin memiliki kenderaan sendiri hahaha
Bye my readers! :) Stay healthy and be good.
Friday, March 18, 2016
Thursday, March 17, 2016
My first community social job
Assalamualaikum wbt
Event ni dinamakan Community Social Responsibility 3.0 dan berlangsung pada 4th March 2016 lepas, i swear this is my first experience as a volunteer. Pengalaman ini sangat indah as we were asked to interview and made a follow up for all those families over the Kampung Rahmat Village.
Because we are the Group 4 following after the previous groups, so we only had to review current symptoms of patients, make a plan and some advice were made by doctor & MA. All in all, I would say that this program should be built by semester. I learned something new in the process of being a good mature person. I also was exposed to the real life out there where certain people had difficulties in their life regardless of how many choices they get. We as generasi yang baru need to take an action...
Event ni dinamakan Community Social Responsibility 3.0 dan berlangsung pada 4th March 2016 lepas, i swear this is my first experience as a volunteer. Pengalaman ini sangat indah as we were asked to interview and made a follow up for all those families over the Kampung Rahmat Village.
Because we are the Group 4 following after the previous groups, so we only had to review current symptoms of patients, make a plan and some advice were made by doctor & MA. All in all, I would say that this program should be built by semester. I learned something new in the process of being a good mature person. I also was exposed to the real life out there where certain people had difficulties in their life regardless of how many choices they get. We as generasi yang baru need to take an action...
=) #lotsoflove
Friday, February 12, 2016
I wanna be better
One week since tagging started and most of the hospital WA group are now very....silent.
I know you guys are having hard time adapting - everyone did, too. Let me share what I used to felt during tagging/adapting in new department;
1- I have trouble remembering cases - there’s too many patient and more & more just keep coming in!
2- I had tried my best remembering the cases- but I’m just to nervous to present during rounds, and I got ‘mental block’ whenever I was asked questions - I swear I knew the answer actually!
3- I keep getting ‘lost’ during rounds - i couldn’t catch & appreciate what are they discussing, and I just don’t know what to document in the BHT!
4- I don’t know what to ask my patient during clerking & I have trouble translating the questions from indonesia/arabc/russian in my head!
5- I got palpitations everytime SN come near me to inform anything - what am I supposed to do for that patient? Are they ok or anything serious ongoing?
6- There’s too much to be done everyday - but I’m just too slow, exhausted & hopeless....
7- It’s just one week, but I’m already extremely tired, forever thirsty& hungry, and I just couldn’t feel my leg & feet anymore...
8- I don’t have time for myself anymore - I keep missing my prayers, meal and even toilet break! What kind of life is this?
9- There’s too much things that I didn’t know - I’m a burden to my team, I feel useless & I simply feel like giving up most of the time!
Kindly share this with your tagging friends and let them know that they are not alone & all these are actually, completely normal during tagging !
I feel like sharing how to tackle each of these problem - in case anyone interested, of course.
Please leave a comment and state the no of problem which you find the most troublesome - i will try to explain that one first.
Till then, keep strong & give your best during tagging!
Dr Iliana
Dr Iliana
"This above post I copied from one of HOs at fb. I hope this will boost my energy and spirit to be better."
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Current situation at home for semster break. Road to semester 6! You go girl! x |
Thursday, February 11, 2016
13062015 #majorthrowback Dinner Night
Friday, February 5, 2016
Assalamualaikum wbt
Dear readers, actually now we are having semester 5 break! Yeppi am so happy! minus the fact that i am getting older, yet still had no idea what kind of activities i wanna try during this short break. I'd want to go for a trip though.. Love all kind of fun and adventures!
For your information, I am currently now in Orthopedic Rotation. Do you know what does Orthopedic mean? Orthopaedic surgery or orthopaedics (sometimes spelled orthopedic surgery and orthopedics) is the branch of surgery concerned with conditions involving the musculoskeletal system. To make it simple, if someone involve in a motor vehicle accident, they will be admitted to orthopedics ward to get further treatment and management. I started to love this posting on 2nd week of it due to some of reasons which I couldn't state here (^_*) but i hope with time it will go smoothly inshaAllah.
The 1st week (24/1 until 28/1) was so tiring because we had to adapt with some conditions and rules provided by posting coordinator. Surely it is a must for every students whenever we get to a new place, we have to learn about what to Do's and Dont's. Yes now i have to keep several things in mind and stuck it forever.
Every day from 8am until 5pm, we have several sessions such as Ward Rounds, Clinics, Ward Work, Bedsite Teaching (BST), Lectures, Seminars and CBD. During nights, we have to go oncall and see cases. We might have to present the case on the next day so we have to clerk patients beforehand and get prepared with all the reports. Plus, there is a thing called Conference Medical Education (CME) held every Thursday whereby all doctors are required to be present. As student, we can watch their presentations and learnt many things from there.
It's necessary to take turn for everyone to present their cases. Every student will get high marks if they present them so clearly and complete. Make sure to ask about the mechanism of injury, pain or any other symptoms related. (Year 3 in medical field is all about clerking, taking complete history & doing physical examination) Be ready for any kind of questions regarding your topics such as differential diagnosis. managements, treatments etc. Btw, I miss Mr Burhan's teaching! He's full of good advises that can lure ones' heart. He's the one I mention in my latest instagram's photo so..he's so far my favorite lecturer hee
It's a matter of respect also to consider, address and acknowledge every and each staff nurses, HOs, MOs and specialists. You need to be attached either with your supervisor or MOs. Every clinics can fit in 2 doctors.. Wear your most comfortable shoes going there or else you will end up getting painful standing for the next 4 hours. Furthermore, you can watch procedures in POP room also. Being attached to MOs or HOs is actually a chance for you to ask them what's the thing you didnt understand as they would love to teach us. 1 tip, always have an available data so it is easier for you to google anything to answer their questions. ;)
This is different following your own supervisor. Dr T will do rounds as early as 7:15 in the morning so you have to wake up early. For the other supervisors, ask them what time usually they do rounds. Make sure you studied something beforehand as some of them will ask you questions randomly. That's what my other friends said to me, ahah so yeah. Good luck guys <3
Necessary equipment to bring to Ortho Ward/Clinics:
Tendon hammer, neurokit, pen torch, tape measurement, notebook, pen, stethoscope, phone with mobile data, logbook.
p/s: O.I.C
p/ss: Read Apley's
p/sss: Be proactive , study smart
Dear readers, actually now we are having semester 5 break! Yeppi am so happy! minus the fact that i am getting older, yet still had no idea what kind of activities i wanna try during this short break. I'd want to go for a trip though.. Love all kind of fun and adventures!
For your information, I am currently now in Orthopedic Rotation. Do you know what does Orthopedic mean? Orthopaedic surgery or orthopaedics (sometimes spelled orthopedic surgery and orthopedics) is the branch of surgery concerned with conditions involving the musculoskeletal system. To make it simple, if someone involve in a motor vehicle accident, they will be admitted to orthopedics ward to get further treatment and management. I started to love this posting on 2nd week of it due to some of reasons which I couldn't state here (^_*) but i hope with time it will go smoothly inshaAllah.
The 1st week (24/1 until 28/1) was so tiring because we had to adapt with some conditions and rules provided by posting coordinator. Surely it is a must for every students whenever we get to a new place, we have to learn about what to Do's and Dont's. Yes now i have to keep several things in mind and stuck it forever.
Every day from 8am until 5pm, we have several sessions such as Ward Rounds, Clinics, Ward Work, Bedsite Teaching (BST), Lectures, Seminars and CBD. During nights, we have to go oncall and see cases. We might have to present the case on the next day so we have to clerk patients beforehand and get prepared with all the reports. Plus, there is a thing called Conference Medical Education (CME) held every Thursday whereby all doctors are required to be present. As student, we can watch their presentations and learnt many things from there.
It's necessary to take turn for everyone to present their cases. Every student will get high marks if they present them so clearly and complete. Make sure to ask about the mechanism of injury, pain or any other symptoms related. (Year 3 in medical field is all about clerking, taking complete history & doing physical examination) Be ready for any kind of questions regarding your topics such as differential diagnosis. managements, treatments etc. Btw, I miss Mr Burhan's teaching! He's full of good advises that can lure ones' heart. He's the one I mention in my latest instagram's photo so..he's so far my favorite lecturer hee
It's a matter of respect also to consider, address and acknowledge every and each staff nurses, HOs, MOs and specialists. You need to be attached either with your supervisor or MOs. Every clinics can fit in 2 doctors.. Wear your most comfortable shoes going there or else you will end up getting painful standing for the next 4 hours. Furthermore, you can watch procedures in POP room also. Being attached to MOs or HOs is actually a chance for you to ask them what's the thing you didnt understand as they would love to teach us. 1 tip, always have an available data so it is easier for you to google anything to answer their questions. ;)
This is different following your own supervisor. Dr T will do rounds as early as 7:15 in the morning so you have to wake up early. For the other supervisors, ask them what time usually they do rounds. Make sure you studied something beforehand as some of them will ask you questions randomly. That's what my other friends said to me, ahah so yeah. Good luck guys <3
Necessary equipment to bring to Ortho Ward/Clinics:
Tendon hammer, neurokit, pen torch, tape measurement, notebook, pen, stethoscope, phone with mobile data, logbook.
p/s: O.I.C
p/ss: Read Apley's
p/sss: Be proactive , study smart
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The day I present my seminar topic :) That is Mr Burhan standing in the middle, he seems like a cool man right ? ;) |
With love. HK
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